Unconfirmed Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Monday 15th June 2020

Minutes of Parish Council meeting on Monday 15th June 2020 at 8:00 pm via ZOOM

Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mr Dalton, Mrs Edwards, Mr Watterson, Mrs Mallows, Mr Oliver and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

1. No apologies for absence were received. However Ms O’Callaghan and Mrs Handley were not in attendance.

2. Declarations of interest: Mr Prince informed the meeting he would recuse himself from the meeting for Bucks Lane planning item as a neighbour.

3. Planning was moved up the agenda due to the amount of people using Zoom from Bucks Lane for fear this could disrupt the internet service.

4. Planning: 20/01947/LBC: Winrose Farm 1 Bucks Lane Little Eversden
To convert and extend an existing Grade II listed Dovecote into ancillary accommodation plus installation of bin store
The applicant was online for the item and explained it was the same plans as were passed in March 2018 with the addition of a bin storage facility that was not on the original application. Building control had requested a further Listed Building Application due to omission on the original plans.
The Council voted unanimously to SUPPORT the application.

5. Planning: 20/02303/CLUED: 44 Wimpole Road Great Eversden CB23 1HR
Certificate of lawfulness for the commencement of building works within the 3 year time limit condition
Following discussion regarding what constituted commencement of building works, the Council voted 6:1 in favour of NO RECOMMENDATION, commenting that SCDC experts needed to make the decision on the legalistic definition of commencement.

6. The minutes of the Full Council of 11th May 2020 were unanimously approved.

7. There were no items from the Open Forum for Public Participation.

8. Matters Arising & Clerks Report
a. Three Free Trees: Vouchers had been received to purchase the trees. The Clerk will liaise with Peter Mallows regarding type and location.
b. Key Codes for PX Farm Gates: The Clerk will speak to Rights of Way Officer as PX Farms did not want to give the Clerk the codes.
c. Defibrillator Payment: The Parish Council thanked the anonymous donor of £200 toward the defibrillator outside the Village Hall.
d. Request for Funding from Royston Transport: The Clerk will inform Royston Transport that once a level of normality returns we would be interested in offering funding, however we would like them to advertise more widely within the Village.
e. Fossey Trust Update: The Clerk informed the meeting that the lease had been received that morning. It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain the Solicitors opinion on the lease in the first instance for any issues. It was then resolved that the Clerk will email to the Parish Council and a decision will be made via email if the Council agrees to move forward and sign the lease.
f. OSP148 Update: The owners of the sheep have now been traced and SCDC informed. The Clerk informed the meeting that an Ecology Study was carried out by Accent Nene last week.
g. Tree Surgeon Quotations: Peter Mallows has agreed to meet two contractors later this week for quotations and the Clerk will follow up the third from contacts received from Mr Dinsdale.

9. Connections Bus News
It was agreed the Clerk would obtain costings for both the courses offered by the Connections Bus along with the timings of the courses and whether they can be completed remotely before a decision is made.

10. Local Highways Initiative Bid 2021/2022
Two suggestions were discussed, the first being yellow lining at the High Street Little/Harlton Road junction and also speed reducing measures, such as cameras which showed the motorist their speed. The Clerk will contact other Parishes who have had the speed signage installed for a costing and Mr Dinsdale will investigate costings for yellow lines.

11. Annual Governance Accounting Statements 2019/2020
In line with regulations the Clerk read out Section 1 of the AGAR, the Annual Governance Statements. The Council agreed that all measured had been adhered to and approved the statements.

12. Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated Section 2, the Accounting Statements. The Clerk explained the variances and said that the new internal auditor, had completed his audit and there were no matters to which he wished to drawn to the attention of the Council. The Council voted unanimously to approve the Accounting Statements for 2019/2020.

13. The Clerk will circulate the full return to the Council that will then be send to PKF Littlejohn by the 31st July 2020 deadline. This includes:

a. The Cash Book
b. Year End to 31st March 20
c. Variances
d. Bank Reconciliation

14. Finance
Allotment Grant £163.15 SH&A Act 1908
Ivan Cooper £58.00 LGA 1972 s.226
Both payments were approved.

15. Correspondence: The Clerk had received further correspondence from the originator of the email regarding Wimpole Road obstructions. He informed the Council that no response had been received, other than the computer generated reply and could we chase Highways for a response. The Council requested that the Clerk reply informing the correspondent that this action was outside their remit and the Parish Council had the same influence as the public.

16. County & District Councillor Reports. No reports were received.

17. Next meetings: Planning, Monday 29th June and, if required, 13th July 2020 and Full Parish Council on Monday 27th July 2020.

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