Parish Council Minutes – Monday 3rd September 2018
Present: Mrs Handley, Mrs Glasse, Mr Prince, Mrs Mallows, Mr Oliver, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.
Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Dinsdale and Ms O’Callaghan.
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
- Mr Dalton informed the meeting that the community orchard, behind Finch’s Field is open to all and is currently full of fruit waiting to be picked.
- A member of the public gallery reported that the new postman had been most helpful in reuniting her with missing post.
- The Salt bins appear to have been replenished after being reported to Highways.
- Mr Dalton will check the status of FP 15/21 following reports of high weeds and stinging nettles.
To approve minutes of 23rd July 2018 and Planning minutes dated 6th August 2018.
Both sets of minutes were approved as an accurate and true record of the meetings and signed off accordingly.
There were no declarations of interest.
Matters Arising & Clerks UpdateVillage Pump
In the absence of anyone willing to renovate the Village Pump the Clerk informed the Council that her husband was willing to complete the work if the Council were happy this was not a conflict of interests. The Clerk outlined the work involved and the Council agreed a price of £370.00.Cupboard Space at Village Hall
The Clerk informed the meeting that the Village Hall Committee had agreed to store the filing cabinet and Mr Prince will carry out the work.
Timebank Presentation
The Chair reported he had attended this presentation and would circulate further information for discussion at the next meeting.
Oxford/Cambridge Railway Line Public Meeting
A member of the public gallery requested that the Council raise a Free of Information request to find out who had sat on the original railway workshop that led to the Jacobs report. The Council did not want to proceed without taking advice from Cllr Kindersley and it was RESOLVED the Clerk would contact Cllr Kindersley to seek CamBed’s view on the request.
The Clerk would also obtain a summary from Cllr Kindersley to send out the public on how best they could help.
The Clerk requested the Council’s approval to attend a one day refresher CiLCA course at a cost of £75.00. This was unanimously agreed.
Hedges at Lowfields
It had been reported that several of the hedges in Lowfields were encroaching onto the roads. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to the Highways Department of Cambridgeshire County Council at Whittlesford requesting that the hedge be cut back.
Marsh Close Firework Site
The proprietor of the Firework site had written to the Clerk to ask if the Parish Council would be willing to discuss possible housing and change of use with himself and SCDC as the factory is no longer viable. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact the owner and ask him to go ahead with arranging the meeting.
Planning: S/3109/18/FL
20 Wheelers Way, Little Eversden, CB23 1HF
Mrs Pullen
Single Storey side/front extension with a pitched roof.
The plans were discussed and Mr Prince proposed to SUPPORT the application. This was seconded by Mrs Glasse and voted on unanimously.
Recreation Ground Grant £2500.00 LGA 1972 s.19
Connections Bus £2832.50 LGA 1972 s.19
Eversden Churches Grant £1200.00 LGA 1972 s.124
All payments were approved.
No further correspondence, other than that already circulated, was received.
District and County Councillor Reports
Cllr Joseph was not in attendance. Cllr Van de Weyer gave his report, including the latest on the Local Plan and also Greenways. His report will be circulated to Councillors.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 17th September and 1st October and full Parish Council meeting on Monday 15th October 2018.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8:35 pm. However Cllr Van de Weyer arrived as the meeting closed and the meeting was re-opened for Cllr Van de Weyer to speak. The meeting was then closed at 8:50 pm.