Parish Council Minutes – Monday 19th February 2018


Present:  Mr Dalton, Mr Parmar, Mr Watterson, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Glasse, Mr Dinsdale and in the Chair Mr Matt Prince.  Ms O’Callaghan

Apologies for Absence were received and accepted from Dr Sinnett-Smith and Councillor  Cattermole.

Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)

Church Street Sign: Ms Sach said that the street name board had now been nailed onto board however the legs of the signpost had still not been replaced. The Clerk will contact SCDC.

To approve minutes of 8th January; Planning on 22nd January & 5th February 2018

Mr Dinsdale questioned the resolution regarding the Connections Bus.  The Clerk had recorded that it was agreed to fund until the end of the year, when in fact is should have been until the end of the summer term.

Ms O’Callaghan was recorded as not present, this was rectified.

With these alterations Mr Dalton proposed and Mr Dinsdale seconded the minutes and as a true and accurate record.

Mr Dalton proposed the planning minutes of 22nd January and Mrs Glasse seconded.

Mrs Mallows proposed the planning minutes of 5th February and Mrs Glasse seconded.

There were no Declarations of Interest

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

  1. Village Pump – the Clerk will obtain quotes and contact Kingston PC.
  2. Connections Bus – it was agreed that the Council would take a resolution on whether to fund the Bus in September, at the end of the Annual Parish Council on 14th May
  3. Village Questionnaire. It was RESOLVED that Dr Sinnett-Smith will look in more detail at the data received from the Village Questionnaire and send results to be published in Tailcorn to Mrs Mallows by 1st
  4. Trees & Ditches on the Recreation Ground – We have received a response from the County Council informing us they will now allow us to pipe the ditch.  The Recreation Ground Committee are concerned about H&S issue in relation to retrieving balls and slipping into the ditch.  It was agreed that the Clerk will contact both County and SCDC about who is liable in the event of an accident.  .
  5. A603 – LHI Bid – Mr Dinsdale informed the meeting that the Panel did not feel it appropriate for the LHI bid to be used for a design study of the junction. If it were successful it would cost too much to put into place.  They agreed it was definiately a dangerous junction and the entire scheme has been forwarded to the Transport Investment Plan.  The Panel’s advice was to complete and inhouse feasibility/design study to see if they can fund it cheaper themselves.  Mr Dinsdale will circulate the information the Parish Council.

 Parish Council Elections

The Clerk circulated the election nominations forms to all Councillors and will email the timetable.  The Clerk will also post a notice on Eversden online for prospective nominations.

Reports for Tailcorn

Mrs Handley informed the meeting that she wished to stand down from wrting the Tailcorn report.  The Clerk will take on the role until after the elections in May. The Chair thanked Mrs Handley for all hardwork in the past.

Agricole Payment

The Village had been awarded £175.00 from the Agricole Oil Club.  It was RESOLVED that the money would be given to Tailcorn on this occasion.

Parish Council Website

The Clerk reported that the Parish Council does not have to have a dedicated Parish Councl site and it can be hosted by another organisation, as we have at the moment.  The subject will be revisited at the November budget meeting.

Footpath 22

It was requested that the Clerk formally write to the homeowner of the hedge between the bus shelter and High Street to request it be cut back.

Cycle Paths

The Chair requested that a working party be set up to discuss the way forward for cycle paths and connecting to other villages, supported by a large amount of comments in the Village Survey.  It was RESOLVED that Mr Prince, Mr Watterson, Mr Dinsdale and Mr Dalton will form a Cycle Path Working Party to take this forward.

General Data Protection Regulations

The Clerk will forward details of the forthcoming training to Mr Watterson and Mr Parmar.

Annual Litter Pick

It was agreed the Annual Litter pick will be on Saturday 24th March, meeting in the Doctors surgery at 10 am.  The Clerk will contact SCDC for the equipment.

Flooding – Wimpole Road

The Clerk will contact Ed Banks to request permission to put a grill on the pipe on his land so that it no longer blocks with debris.

Regarding the recent correspondence received regarding flooding in Wimpole Road, the Council decided that the points will be revisited after the water main work has been completed.

District Council Engagement with Parish Councils

The Parish Council would like to see a rota system to visit each Parish and regular relvant reports.  The Clerk will respond.


Removal of Condition 4 of Approval Planning Application S/2965/17/FL
4 Kingston Road, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HT
Mr & Mrs A Noto

Following discussion the decision was proposed by Mrs Glasse and seconded by Mrs Mallows.  It was RESOLVED that we OBJECT with the following comment:

“We propose this be investigated by the relevant Safety officer of the Council.  If this is an          important safety related condition we would be concerned if it has not be adhered to.”


Parish Council Insurance (Zurich)               £1863.20                            LGA 1972 s.111
Clerks Salary                                                       £605.85                               LGA 1972 (s.112.2)

Both payments were approved.

There was no further Correspondence.

District and County Councillor Reports

Cllr Lina Joseph attended and updated the meeting on the budget plans of the Council.

Next Meetings: Planning, if required, 12th & 26th March, Little Eversden Parish Meeting: Monday 5th March 2018

The Chair closed the meeting at 9:22 pm.

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