PC Minutes – 30th June 2014
Present: Mrs Handley, Mrs Spencer, Mr Prince, Mr Dinsdale, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Dalton and in the Chair, Mr Tebbit
1. Apologies Received from Ms Green, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Pritchard
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
It was agreed to record the omission from the 19th May minutes that St Helen’s Land Registry had been finalised, paperwork lodged with Solicitors and received and filed.
The minutes were then approved.
3. Public Participation
Mr Nicholson informed the meeting that the Community Orchard had been cut twice this year. However the instruction from Natural England with regard to the cutting of injurious weeds such as docks, thistles and ragwort did not seem to be compatible. Mr Tebbit agreed to pass this on to Natural England and await their response.
Mrs Spencer raised the issue of the overhanging hedge at near bus stop at Little Eversden going towards the High Street. Mr Dalton thought it belonged to Mr Porter at No 3 High Street. Mr Tebbit will visit.
4. There were no Declarations of Interest
5. Matters Arising
a) Emergency Planning – ongoing
b) Recreation Ground Opening The pipe work and road plaining have been completed. An
approved road contractor has to drop the kerb and we have agreed this at a price of £350, within budget. However, South Cambs District Council are unable to find any paperwork with regard to the work since Mr Belton left, the new contact is due to meet the Chair on Friday 4th at the Recreation Ground.
c) Stop B.A.D. An email had been received from Bourn Parish Council to support a coalition
statement regarding the Bourn and Cambourne development. It was resolved that the Clerk would write to Stop BAD with a copy to Bourn suggesting we could give £1 Band D house, equating to £ 348, although would need written confirmation as to which Power it was paid under. 5 Councillors voted yes, with 1 abstention.
Cllr Kindersley joined the meeting at this point and informed the Council that an appeal at Waterbeach regarding the green separation land had been overturned today due to the 5 year land supply not being met. In light of this the Council decided that the earlier resolution be withdrawn nd nothing would be agreed until the next meeting.
d) Bike/Bus Project – All the information regarding Eversden had now been sent to the traffic commissioner. And we are now awaiting launch. Mr Dalton will circulate timetable to Council.
e) A team of volunteers spread road plainings on Footpath 13, off Wimpole Road, on Saturday 14th June. Mr Tebbit reported that he had received an email from Peter Gaskin at SCDC thanking them for doing such a wonderful job and also informing us that they are sending a team to cut the undergrowth on both sides of FP 13. There is currently 5-6 tonnes of road planing left.
6. Defibrillator
The Chair reported that East Anglian Ambulance Service will provide the Defibrillator. It will cost £1,000 in total and we will pay the full cost. There are no regular maintenance checks as the machine self checks, however it will require new pads after 3 years (currently £40) and new batteries after 5 years (currently £150). The machine has a 10 year guarantee. It will be kept in the Pavilion. Maintenance and repairs will be managed via the Recreation Committee. The machine will also be added to the Recreation Ground’s insurance.
Comberton Crusaders will make a donation of £500 to the Recreation Ground. Mr Prince said he thought we were eligible for a grant from the British Heart Foundation, he will investigate.
Cllr Kindersley indicated that we may be able to apply for the money through the SCDC Community Chest. The Clerk will take forward. Once installed it will only be accessible to the public when the Pavilion is open. This can be reviewed once installed. .
7. Consultation on Transport Strategy
This document was circulated prior to the meeting. No Comments were received.
8. Community Right to Bid
Councillors were asked to think about buildings/land that we should register as an asset should they come up for sale and report back at next meeting.
9. Broadband
It was agreed that broadband speeds are much worse than in current years. New boxes carryingthe new cabling have been installed but are not due to be connected until September 2014. Our broadband champion, Edwina Mullins, had indicated speeds of 2MB by September. Mr Tebbit will put forward names and addresses of contacts in the Villages to Mr Prince who will take forward.
10. Local Highways Initiative
There is a new round of the LHI initiative. Suggestions included possible repairs to footpaths, further pedestrian improvement to the A603/Wheatsheaf junction and also safety measures on the ‘S’ bend near the Church. Councillors will bring definitive suggestions to the next meeting.
11. City of Cambridge Triathlon
Information regarding the City of Cambridge Triathlon was circulated prior the meeting. The event will take place in September and the bicycle race will come through the Eversdens.
12. Finance
Recreation Ground Insurance £2387.62 PHA 1875 s.154
Recreation Ground Grant £2000.00 PHA 1875 s.154
CPALC Annual Membership £22.50 LGA 1972 s.142(i)
SCDC Village Hall Car Park £50.00 LGA 1972 s.133
CCC Street Lightling £60.59 PCA 1957s.3
The Clerk informed the meeting that payment had been received for £757.56 for the VAT reclaimation for 2013/2014.
13. Planning
S/1217/14/FL, 18 High Street, Little Eversden
It was resolved to ‘Approve’ planning permission. The Clerk will return the paperwork to South Cambs.
The Clerk will speak to Cllr Kindersley about potential questions to raise at the Parish Planning Forum.
14. Correspondence
There was no further correspondence received other than that already circulated.
15. Councillors Reports
Cllr Kindersley reported that Hateley, Gamlingay and Potton were due to buy a shared speed camera. Unfortunately one of the Parishes has now dropped out so there is an opening for another Parish to share the cost. Expressions of interest should be directed to Gamlingay.
A plan of the A603 Speed Limit Reduction area had been received and Cllr Kindersley, as well as the Parish Council, agreed the map as correct and will respond to Highways with a copy to Harlton.
There was no report received from Councillor Page.
16. Next Meetings
14th July and 28th July 2014, Planning, if required at 8 pm.
Monday 11th August at 8 pm, Full Parish Council Meeting