Parish Reports: 2020

“Welcome to this years reports of Parish Activities before the current crisis. The Parish Council hopes you are all keeping well and staying safe. “

Please find below reports received from Representatives.

Recreation Ground Report
Derek Blatch, Chairman of the Eversdens Area Recreation Ground Committee

In the 2018-2019 report, both football and cricket were affected with dry weather and cracking. This year football has been affected by the Coronavirus with the last match being played on the 14th March and it’s looking likely that the cricket will be affected as well.

Again, this season we have supported grassroots football with Comberton Crusaders Under 11’s, 12’s and 17’s playing on the playing field. The link with Comberton Village College means that most of the children that play football in the village will play on the recreation ground at some point. We have two teams playing cricket on the rec, Camspice (Tuesday’s) and Camden third eleven (Saturday’s), this second team has been possible by our groundsman (Peter Mallows) agreeing to prepare the wicket for the teams. A big thank you from the committee for offering to carry out this work and the other jobs he does to keep the field looking so good.

It has now been over a year since the Parish Council applied, on our behalf, for planning permission for a new much needed pavilion. The period should be 8 to 13 weeks for a decision to be made. We could have applied to the Secretary of State at 26 weeks, but we knew that the South Cambridgeshire Planning Department were having problems which we hoped would be resolved. Unfortunately, they weren’t, so we are still waiting. We are given to understand that the senior planning officer that was dealing with our application is no longer there. We are now hoping things will speed up and a decision made soon.

The new pavilion follows the guidelines of the Football Foundation, Sports England, Cambridgeshire Football Association and the English Cricket Board which means that it meets all the current standards for changing, safeguarding and disability, for maximum grant aid. The new pavilion will be very sustainable in its construction materials, using zinc and cedar for the main fabric of the build, heated by air source heat pumps, grey water for toilet flushing and cricket square watering and if affordable, solar panels.

We are hoping that we can achieve higher than CfSH level 4 which will mean it will be very low on CO2 emissions, making it a modern sustainable pavilion.

With the pavilion linked to the play area, it will mean that you can use the function room to have a coffee and still keep an eye on the children in the play area where we are looking to include a new roundabout to replace our old one. The new one is designed to accommodate a wheelchair for a disabled person to be able to use.

We continue fundraising and during the year we held events such as jumble sale, clothing collections, plant sale, quiz nights, winter warmer and raised around £2600.

We also have Barbara’s books, who makes regular donations.  In addition to our fundraising, we ran a 100 Club with draws taking place once a month.  A big thank you to Alan Woods for organizing and running that for us, which raised £1680.00

With the Coronavirus epidemic not only affecting this country but the world, we have had to close the play area and put on hold fundraising events and functions relating to the recreation ground. It is, however, a nice place to walk and exercise as long as you adhere to social distancing, and the activities below are obviously on hold until we come out of these worrying times.

The Connections Bus visits the recreation ground car park on a Monday evening from 4.00-6.00pm in term time, and is funded by the Parish Council.

The fish and chip van has been visiting the car park on a Thursday evening to provide the residents of the Eversdens with our favourite meal.

The pavilion is used for coffee mornings, which are on the second Thursday of the month.

A big thank you to Paul Tebbit for cutting the front hedge with his tractor.

Lastly, a thank you to the Committee for their hard work throughout the year with the general running, fund raising and the jobs around the ground that we would otherwise have to pay for someone else to do.

I was about to send this report out to Karen when we heard that the Richfords came back from a cruise to Norway and were hospitalised soon after, sadly Tony has died from the Coronavirus. Tony has audited our accounts for many years and both he and Lynn have helped out at many functions in the village.

Very sad news and our thoughts go out to the family and friends at this difficult time, also we pray that Lynn has a full recovery.   Stay safe.

Village Hall
Edwina Mullins

Due to a considerable amount of work in online promotions, more creative events, and investment in better equipment, the income for the village hall income has increased by several thousand on the previous financial year.  We aim to have more income from professional and private hirers (i.e. small business meetings and weddings), allowing us to in turn offer more value for users of the hall from within our community.  Obviously with C-19 and the cancellation of at least 2 of our 6 weddings booked this coming year at time of writing, we will have to wait to see how our plans work.  We have new clubs using the premises, karate twice a week, pilates, craft club, Little City and others.  The events calendar is becoming far more vibrant.   With offering our facilities to a more diverse range of suppliers, we are pleased to have obtained a container to store less used equipment (like some staging & the church fete trestles which are only used annually), allowing a more flexible space within the hall.  There have been some changes within the structure of the management committee and we still have an uncertain future as a hall, but all members are committed to continue running community orientated events for the village when we are back up and running. Thank you to all committee members for their time and effort.”

I have written this as Chair for the financial year it covers. From now on, Katherine Jackson is Chair and will write the report for the next financial year.

Unknown Donor’s Charity
The Unknown Donor’s Charity is an exclusive charity to young people living in Little Eversden. In existence for more than 120 years, it aims to provide financial support to those who are undertaking recognised training courses and apprenticeships which lead to a profession or trade for their future careers. It can contribute towards the costs of course fees, or equipment necessary for training courses.

There have been no requests for assistance during the past year. We would like to take this opportunity to remind anyone who lives in Little Eversden that this service is available. In the current circumstances, it is unlikely that someone is looking to apply for an immediate grant. However, during this time, you may have had a rethink about your career so please get in touch and we may be able to help.

Any requests and contributions are treated in confidence.

Contact in the first instance should be made to:
Mrs Sue Glasse            01223 262621
Mr Steve Dinsdale       01223 263906

Village Sign
This has been mown this year by council workers when they cut the verges in the village and now extends along the verge up to the footpath opposite Bucks Lane.

The Beech hedge is in good condition and is due for a cut before the weather warms up.

I am pleased to say that the area around the seat has not flooded again this year.

Connections Bus report
Numbers There have been 32 youth club sessions run during 2019 and we have seen 15 young people

Term 1

  • Week 1 – 7th January Enjoyed doing hama craft activity and chatting about Christmas activities, new year resolutions, new playground, school, sharks and issues effecting people around the world.
  • Week 2 – 14th January Generator failed near beginning of session but continued in low tech mode. Enjoyed zip wire on playground and then game of truth or dare. Conversations about sports clubs, horse riding, sexual health, dreams and embarrassing moments.
  • Week 3 – 21st January Enjoying zip wire whilst it was light and playing Uno with own made up rules. Conversations about bullying, losing friends and athletics. Spent time creating own quiz
  • Week 4 – 28th January Enjoyed normal extravagant game of Uno and some bike maintenance. Conversations about “I wish my parents had asked..” topic, who had had best week, extra paid work, winning race, scoring goals in football and new games console.
  • Week 5 – 4th February Engaged in cancer awareness quiz, games consoles, badge making and best week contest. Conversations about cancer and dogs.
  • Week 6 – 11th February All did valentine craft and number phrase quiz plus card games. Conversations about pranks, games, teasing about boyfriends and presents for parents.
  • Week 7 – 25th February Enjoyed football, rugby and nerf rocket outside with the good weather. Indoors played table top games UNO and Fluxx. Conversations about athletics, civil rights and Fairtrade
  • Week 8 – 4th March Enjoyed playing UNO and cups game as well as console use. Conversations about internet safety, life after death, chemistry and white crème eggs
  • Week 9 – 11th March Conversations about card games, smoking, caffeine, addictions, school uniform, hare coursing and video games. One-to-one about long term sickness and just starting back at school.
  • Week 10 – 18th March Played on new equipment in park, plus games console and cup stacking. Conversations about afterschool clubs, magic tricks and Mothering Sunday.
  • Week 11 – 25th March Enjoyed playing rugby, watching TV and doing the quiz on pets. Local grandparents asked about youth bus when visiting park with year 6 young person
  • Week 12 – 1st April Made brownie in a mug as last session for one of the leaders. All enjoyed this activity. Also played cricket and tennis.

Term 2

  • Week 1 – 29th April Cancelled due to staff shortage (due to late confirmation of booking)
  • Week 2 – 6th May Bank Holiday
  • Week 3 – 13th May No session due to staff shortage (due to late confirmation of booking)
  • Week 4 – 20th May Good first session back. Enjoyed doing hunger quiz, being on computers and playing cricket. Conversation about things they liked to do.
  • Week 5 – 3rd June Usual four enjoying playing outside, games console and oceans quiz. Conversations about exams, school, half-term activities and having own seat in class
  • Week 6 – 10th June Very wet weather so stuck inside playing 5-second rule game.
  • Week 7 – 17th June Nice weather so enjoying outside activities, including new archery set and play equipment. There was also some computer use. Conversations about careers and sports training.
  • Week 8 – 24th June Quiet session enjoying usual activities. Had mother with 9 year old saying village website showed that they could start coming aged 9! Clarified that the youth bus was for secondary school only with year 6s usually starting around Easter time
  • Week 9 – 1st July A couple of new members tonight. Enjoyed games consoles and playing outside. Young people bringing rubbish back to bus as no bins on recreation ground. Also enjoyed doing the animal quiz
  • Week 10 – 8th July Cancelled as no driver available
  • Week 11 – 15th July Enjoyed brand logo quiz and took time researching. Also played games consoles and bingo. Conversations about holidays. Numbers down as some have gone away already.

Term 3

  • Week 1 – 9th September General chat about holidays, played on games consoles and table top games. Also played outside games. There were a few others on the field who did not come on bus.
  • Week 2 – 16th September Good friendly session playing on field with sports equipment. Also used games consoles. Conversation about athletics and holidays.
  • Week 3 – 23rd September Quiet session but wet afternoon. Enjoyed consoles and computers. Conversations about army cadets, ploughing match, DofE and skateboarding
  • Week 4 – 30th September Quiet session enjoying Uno and games consoles. One new young person and another shy one staying outside.
  • Week 5 – 7th October Enjoyed playing outside, on computers, doing leather craft and Connect4. Lots of general chat but nothing of note.
  • Week 6 – 14th October Enjoyed chatting, using PCs, playing outside and doing the slave trade quiz. Conversations about football, athletics and volunteering.
  • Week 7 – 28th October Enjoyed using games consoles, PCs and playing outside. Visit from PCSOs. Conversations about half term, sports and difficulties at netball club
  • Week 8 – 4th November Nice session using computers, games consoles and chatting. Lots of discussion about fireworks quiz and ice-skating trip, also conversation about Asperger’s, diet and food choices
  • Week 9 – 11th November Good session talking through issues raised on the quiz (anti-bullying). Also, good game of bingo and use of games consoles. Conversations about remembrance, women’s football and possibility of pet being put down
  • Week 10 – 18th November Good session, playing bingo, doing alcohol quiz and playing outside. Young people had to be warned about playing out on the road.
  • Week 11 – 25th November Good session using games consoles and ’ages you can do things’ quiz. Youth workers checked out mysterious figure on field but seemed to be just a tree! Conversations about sports, hobbies and being tired after cadets’ weekend. One-to-one about being emotional about something someone said but wouldn’t give details.
  • Week 12 – 2nd December Parish councillor came to take photos. Enjoyed making badges and one young person noted as being a bit low but says everything fine
  • Week 13 – 9th December Good fun session getting on well together and enjoying doing the Christmas quiz. Lots of chat about Christmas!
  • Week 14 – 16th December Ice skating trip to which all young people were invited. Over 75 young people attended and enjoyed 1.5 hours on the ice and a meal afterwards. It was a great event with young people behaving well and enjoying themselves.

No report was received from Comberton Village College.

Meridian Primary School
Carole Etchie, Headteacher
‘Learning for Life, Striving for Excellence’

All at Meridian send our warmest greetings.    Since my last report in March of 2019, we completed our 2018-2019 academic year with the remainder of our 50-year celebrations.  We have had a wonderful 2019-2020 academic year so far and the children and staff have been very busy but have always risen to the challenge.

Our School Development Plan Key Priorities School for this year are:

To raise confidence in maths (reasoning, mental strategies); to raise enjoyment in maths  To continue to raise writing standards (KS2 non-fiction writing; KS1 fictional writing)  To develop the use of technology within the curriculum  To develop our own school offer and systems to further support children and staff mental health and well-being  To develop Outdoor learning: To develop greater outdoor classroom links across the curriculum; and to develop good play activities

We were particularly pleased with our end of year outcomes at the end of last year (July 2019):

Our Year 6 SATs results were above the national average in reading, writing and math’s for those working at the expected standards and for those working at greater depth.   Our Year 2 SATs results were above the national average in reading, writing and math’s at expected standards. We were in line or above national greater depth standards.  Our Year 1 phonics results were above the national standards in reading and writing and we achieved a 100% pass rate. The School received a letter from Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP (Minister of State for School Standards) congratulating us on our achievements.  Our EYFS figures were in line with the national average for those working at a good level of development.

On roll we have 187 children and we are 30 or above in all our KS2 classes.  We have projected an increase in numbers due to the current new housing development in Comberton.  In the next academic year, we will have an eight-class structure rather than seven. This will mean an additional class in KS2 which will ensure that every child moving into our catchment area will be guaranteed a place at our school. It will also reduce class sizes in KS2.

Last academic year, we were really excited to gain our Gold Sports’ Mark which recognises our commitment to and development of competition, school sport, physical education and physical activity.  In the last year, the children have been involved in lots of competitions and tournaments including a cross country competition at Milton Country Park, a Tennis Festival, a gymnastics competition, an Invasion Games Festival, a Mini Olympics festival, a Swimming Gala, a Danceshare competition, netball competitions, football matches, a Quicksticks hockey competition and an Athletics Festival.  In addition, cricket, dodge ball and capoeira have been offered as extra-curricular clubs.

We continue to theme our teaching throughout the school.  We’ve had a healthy living week, a science week (STEM) and we recently celebrated World Book Day.  We also welcome in to our school external speakers and this term’s two visiting assemblies have been with the NSPCC on the theme of ‘Speak out. Stay safe’ and Cambridge United delivered an assembly about ‘kicking out discrimination against any groups of people’.

The choir is going from strength to strength, last summer saw a wonderful performance of ‘Noah and the Floating Zoo’ alongside an adult choir from Comberton.  In November and December, they performed at our Community Remembrance Service and Christmas village events.

Together as a school and governing body we still remain motivated and ambitious to develop the school even further.  The area we are currently addressing is raising funds to update our old computers and server to raise the profile of technology within the school and promote IT for the digital future of our generation. Due to funding issues, we are planning upgrades over time.

The Coronavirus has been a significant crisis for the globe, nationally and in terms of our school. We have clearly recently entered a very challenging and uncertain period.  I would like to end by saying I wish to thank all our school staff, volunteers, and governors who helped in recent days to keep the school open, and who will continue to do so over the coming months. I would also like to thank you for your continued support and understanding during this period.

Comberton Swimming Pool
The Comberton Community swimming pool is staffed, run and populated by members of the local community including those in the Eversdens. The pool had a successful year with 162 members. We had a slightly delayed season opening as we waited for the relining of the pool to be completed. We then had a brilliant season with the hot weather and were able to extend our season by 2 weeks in September.  We are grateful to Eversdens’ Parish Council for their financial contribution to this work.

Having completed the pool liner, fund raising continues for the second stage which is a refurbishment of our changing facilities.

We are very grateful for the continued support and cooperation of our partners at the pool, Comberton Village College.

Although we are currently closed so far this season due to Covid 19 . We will re-open and welcome families and individuals to seek us out at

Parish Council
Matt Prince, Chair

The Annual Parish meeting was made obligatory in the 1972 Local Government Act. A time before the internet and affordable printing.

In our villages it now serves little function as demonstrated by the few people who attend these meetings. I think the Clerk and myself, one year, performed to an audience of one!

The Annual Parish meeting is more complicated for the Eversdens. We are obliged to hold the meetings in each village where there is a separate electoral register. We are rare in being one of only a few Parish Councils who have two electoral districts under one Parish Council. So not only do we have to repeat essentially the same meeting but it means we cannot have one meeting for our greater community and get together with our activity groups, like drama, allotments, book clubs, pilates etc.

As it is, we have Eversden Online, several groups on Facebook and Tailcorn which goes to every letterbox in the 2 villages. Every piece of news is available to every householder at more regular times than an annual meeting. And for those who wish to participate in village democracy there is 10 minutes at the start of every Parish Council Meeting every 6 weeks [in better times than currently].

The age of the Annual Parish meeting has passed in its current form but we are still under a legal obligation to hold it. We will, as the law allows, hold the Annual Parish Meetings at the beginning of another parish council meeting in a minimal format and the notices of activities from groups that the PC fund will be available for people to read at their leisure.

Don’t forget there is still the Annual Parish Council Meeting that is usually held in May aswell.

If the law allowed, the Annual Parish meeting could be a great socially cohesive event. Where village activities could hold stalls and recruit new members and maybe Barry could run a pub. But this is not allowed by the current laws.

Lina Neito – County Councillor To be circulated separately

Aiden van de Weyer – District Councillor – No report received.

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