Unconfirmed Parish Council Minutes: Monday 19th June 2017


Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Dr Sinnett-Smith, Dr Russell and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Lina Joseph.

2. There were no items raised up the Open Forum for Public Participation.

3. The minutes of Monday 8th May 2017 and Planning minutes of 5th June 2017 were approved as accurate and correct.

4. Mrs Glasse declared a Declaration of Interest regarding Item 8.

5. Matters Arising & Clerks Update
a. The 2016/2017 VAT Return for £544.26 had been received into the bank account.
b. The Parish Council Website has been update in line with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
c. The Annual Return was sent to PKF Littlejohn by the 12th June deadline.
d. Overgrown Hedge: See Item f
e. New Administration: The Clerk thanked Mrs Handley for her long term commitment to the Council as Vice Chair and invited Mr Dinsdale to sign his declaration of acceptance to office as Vice Chair and Mr Prince as Chair for a further year.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would arrange for the necessary forms to be completed to enable Mr Dinsdale to become a signatory on the bank account, as well as Mrs Handley, Mr Dalton and Mr Prince.

f. Highways Meeting: A meeting note had been circulated regarding the recent meeting between Mr Prince, Mr Dinsdale and Evan Laughlin from Highways. The Clerk will forward to previous LHI bid to Mr Dinsdale for a dropped kerb near the Recreation Ground.

6. Vacancies: Casual and Co-opted
The Clerk reported that Ms Alexander’s vacancy had been advertised and this could be filled after 30th June, unless an election was requested. It was RESOLVED this would be filled at the 3rd July meeting.

The other vacancy was open to co-option and Mrs Cathie Mallows was nominated by Mrs Glasse and seconded by Mr Prince. Mrs Mallows took her place alongside other Council members.

7. Parish Council Staff Pensions: Mr Prince informed the Council that, under the new Pension Regulations, we were able to offer staff a pension scheme currently worth 1%, although we were under no obligation to do so as the earnings were not within the mandatory pay bracket. It was RESOLVED that the decision would be reviewed annually.

8. Recreation Ground request regarding new build fees

The Recreation Ground had requested that the Parish Council fund architects fees to the approx. value of £4k.

There were questions of rules of procurement, whether the architect’s fees would be part of the bigger contract sum, the legality of a non-referenced Committee spending large public funds and it was noted that the Parish Clerk should always be responsible for tenders and payments.

It was also pointed out that the PC did not have architects fees in this year’s budget and that they needed to be bid for in the budget planning at year end for the April following.

After much discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would investigate successful Village hall/pavilions in the area and report back at the 3rd July planning meeting.

Mrs Glasse will contact SCDC Planning and ascertain if the planned meeting for 20th July can proceed without proper CAD drawings.

9. Planning:
Prior Approval application for change of use from Class B8) storage and distribution to dwelling house.
9 Chapel Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HP: Ms Lisa Jones

The Council voted “NO RECOMMENDATION”.

10. Finance
Recreation Ground Insurance £2,264.11 PHA 1875 s.154
Recreation Ground Precept £2,500.00 PHA 1875 s.154
SCDC: Car Park Rental £50.00 LGA 1972 s.133

It was RESOLVED to authorise all cheque payments.

11. Correspondence
a. Merchant Navy Day: As there is no flag pole within the Village we will not be participating.
b. Connections Bus: It was agreed that only the Connections Bus would park on the Recreation Ground on a Monday evening to alleviate parking/entry problems for the bus. The Clerk will speak to the Connections Bus and Mrs Glasse will speak to Cam Spice.
c. County Councillor Regular Meetings: The Council were in favour of attending regular meetings to be held by the County Councillor in addition to Ms Josephs regular visits to the Eversdens Parish Council. The Clerk will write to Ms Joseph expressing the same. Mr Prince suggested that we hold an event later in the year and invite other local Parish Council for an informal discussion about matters across Parishes. A Thursday evening was thought to be a convenient evening. 11c ”

12. Report from County and District Councillor

Doug Cattermole reported that the Council had written of £507,211 in unrecovered debt last year, this was an increase in 27%

Talks are currently taking place between South Cambs and City Council regarding the possibility of merging the planning departments.

13. Next Meetings
Planning, if required, Monday 3rd July, Monday 17th July and Full Council meeting on July 31st July 2017

It was RESOLVED that the meeting on July 31st be rescheduled, as the Clerk is away, to Monday 24th July 2017.

The Chair closed the meeting at 21.37 pm.

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