Parish Council Meeting Agenda: Monday 19th June 2017
ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to a PARISH COUNCIL meeting to be held in the
Pavilion on Monday 19th June 2017 at 8 pm
Mrs Karen Easey
Parish Clerk
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
3. To approve minutes of Monday 8th May 2017 and Planning minutes of 5th June 2017
4. Declarations of Interest
5. Matters Arising & Clerks Upate
a. VAT Return
b. Website Update
c. Annual Return Sent
d. Overgrown Hedge
e. New Administration
f. Highways Meeting
6. Vacancies: Casual and Co-opted
7. Parish Council Staff Pensions
8. Recreation Ground request regarding new build fees
9. Planning:
Prior Approval application for change of use from Class B8) storage and distribution to dwelling house.
9 Chapel Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HP: Ms Lisa Jone
10. Finance
Recreation Ground Insurance £2,264.11 PHA 1875 s.154
Recreation Ground Precept £2,500.00 PHA 1875 s.154
SCDC: Car Park Rental £50.00 LGA 1972 s.133
11. Correspondence
a. Merchant Navy Day
b. Connections Bus
c. County Councillor Regular Meetings
12. Report from County and District Councillors
13. Next Meetings
Planning, if required, Monday 3rd July, Monday 17th July and Full Council meeting on July 31st July 2017