Annual Parish Council Minutes: Tuesday 4th May 2021
ANNUAL MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL via Zoom on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 8:00 pm
Present: Mr Brown, Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mr Prince, Mr
Mr Oliver, Mr Watterson, Ms O’Callaghan
1. Apologies received from Mrs Mallows
Election of Officers
2. The first order of business was the election of Chair. Mr Prince was content to continue as Chair, there were no other nominations or expressions of interest for Chair and a unanimous show of hands in favour of Mr Prince and he took the Chair.
3. Mr Dinsdale was content to continue as Vice Chair. With no further nominations Mr Dinsdale remains as Vice Chair.
4. Mrs Easey and Mr Ivan Cooper to continue as Responsible Finance Officer and Internal
Auditor respectively.
Election of Representatives
5. Mr Brown was unanimously nominated as the Village Hall representative and Mrs Glasse
would be the Recreation Ground representative. Mr Prince suggested that one of the volunteers for the Footpath Audit may want to take on the role as Footpaths Officer. The Clerk indicated that in Mrs Mallows absence she would be interested in taking forward the FO role. Mr Prince will email the list of volunteers and see who comes forward as the lead.
6. The minutes of 12th April 2021 need to be changed to reflect it was Mr Prince that declared an interest in Cambridge Approaches not Mr Dinsdale. Mr Brown proposed we accept the minutes, this was seconded by Mr Dinsdale and accepted as a true and accurate record. The minutes of Planning on 26th April 2021 were accepted and accepted as a true and accurate record.
Open Forum for Public Participation
7. A member of the public asked the process of voting Councilors’ on the Council and the Clerk and Chair explained the process.
8. There were no Declarations of interest.
Matters Arising & Clerks Report
9. The Clerk reported the dog waste bins had been ordered.
10. The Clerk said she had attended the training for the new CiLCA qualifications. However, the Clerk said the course was very intensive and having given it much thought the Clerk asked to step back from the training as she felt unable to dedicate the time needed to complete. The Council agreed that the service offered by the Clerk was sufficient without the training.
11. The Clerk reported that having investigated with another PC they not proceed with a bank card due to a monthly charge and being able to do BACS. It was agreed the Clerk would investigate changing bank accounts to an account with a card.
12. The proposed new email Address was unanimously agreed The Clerk will go back to Vision ICT with our ideas on the website.
Approve Annual Governance Statements for 2020/21
13. The Clerk confirmed the £50 payment to Haslingfield was allocated to S137 in the cash book.
14. In line with regulations the Clerk read out the 2020/21 Annual Governance Statements. The Council agreed that all measured had been adhered to and approved the statements. The Clerk explained that Assertion 4 would read “No” this year to comply with the External Auditors report from last year we failed to exercise the public right provision correctly. The Council agreed the Statements as read.
15. Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated Section 2, the Accounting Statements. The Clerk explained the other receipts received and the variances. The Council voted unanimously to approve the Accounting Statements for 2020/2021.
Response for EWR Consultation
16. Mr Watterson indicated he was happy to take the lead with the response to EWR required by the 9th June. We still do not feel that has been a proper evaluation of the Northern approach. We need to bear in mind they have not ruled out a South Cambourne station and that would be more intrusive for us. CA has circulated an email to PC giving helpful guidance about the type of issues the letters could discuss. We also need to extensively catalogue what is the absolute minimum mitigations if it does come here will be at both construction and operational stage what is required. Mr Watterson said we should give the local community an opportunity to comment and he will talk to local farmers and the village working group. Ms O’Callaghan said there was no mention of the mental health of residents if the railway goes ahead. Mr Watterson confirmed the rail would be diesel in the short term which could be used as an argument. Mr Dinsdale proposed a mandate for Mr Watterson to coordinate and submit a response on behalf of the Village with help from the village working group. The was unanimously passed. The Clerk confirmed she had given the actual consultation document to Steph Morley.
Reference: 21/01357/HFUL
Proposal: First floor and single storey rear extensions, new garage to front following demolition of existing outbuildings.
Site address: 37 Harlton Road Little Eversden CB23 1HB
17. The Clerk informed the meeting of the neighbours confirmed.
It was proposed No Recommendation with comments
a) Over massing and overdevelopment of the site given the visibility
b) Light scheme to be agreed with Planning Officers should construction go ahead as lighting will have an impact on the residents and also the bat population.
c) Construction site management must ensure off road parking is adhered to.
18. Zoom Expenses M Prince £86.34
This was authorised for payment.
19. A motion was proposed to authorise all repeat 19/20 Payments in the light of reduced meetings due to Covid 19. This was carried unanimously with the caveat of paying no more than a 30% increase.
20. The Clerk informed the Council that we can have an informal zoom meeting to discuss planning applications but we will legally need a face-to-face meeting to independently vote on the final decision with a quorate of 4 Councillors.
21. There were no County & District Councillor report received.
22. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 15th June 2021. It was suggested we have the meeting at 6:30 pm in the Fossey Field.
The Chair closed the meeting at 21.31 pm.