Parish Council Meeting – Monday 26th November 2018
Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mr Watterson, Mr Oliver, Mrs Handley, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Mr Prince, Ms O’Callaghan and, the Chair, Mr Dalton.
There were no Apologies for Absence
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Comments from the public gallery asked as to the ownership of SCDC and also if the Community Orchard could be pruned annually. The Clerk will take forward both questions.
To approve full minutes of 15th October 2018 and extraordinary minutes of 29th October 2018
Mrs Glasse declared an interest in the planning at 12a.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
- OSP148 – This should come to Planning Committee on Wednesday 12th
- Pavement to SE of St Mary’s Church – Cllr Dinsdale will contact Highways to progress.
- CiLCA Refresher Training – The training was cancelled due to lack of interest therefore no payment will be made.
- Village Pumps – Following the refurbishment of the Village Pump the Council agreed to obtain quotes on the further two in the Village.
- Village Hall Recycling – It was agreed that Helen Edwards would forward costs to the Clerk and the Parish Council would then revisit whether they would fund the recycling bins.
The Fossey Charitable Trust Land
The Fossey Trust had written to the Clerk informing them that the piece of land in Great Eversden next to the Recreation Ground would be available in Summer 2019 if the Parish Council were interested. It was agreed that the Clerk should write back expressing an interest in opening talks regarding the land.
Pavilion Plans
The new pavilion plans were put the Council following the “open Sunday” for the Village to view. Following discussion Mrs Handley proposed that the Council adopt the plans, this was seconded by Mr Oliver. It was agreed that £1k would be added to the budget to cover the cost of the planning permission.
Membership of Sustrans
The Chair informed the meeting that we would have more impact on the Greenways project is we were a member of Sustrans. The Clerk will arrange membership.
Dates for 2019
The Clerk circulated dates for 2019 and suggested that the August date be shelved. The Council agreed this suggestion. The Clerk will recirculate new dates.
Connections Bus
Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to support the Bus until the end of the Spring term. The Clerk will ask the connections bus is there is any scope to change the date and/or time and report back, it will also be prompted to surrounding villages.
Draft Budget and Precept
The Clerk circulated the budget for comment and discussion at the next meeting. The precept needs to be submitted by 4th February 2019 to SCDC.
Construction of detached Double Garage and Store, with Gym/Games Room in roof space.
28 Lowfields, Little Eversden, CB23 1HJ
Mr Geering
The plans were discussed and members of the public gallery expressed their concerns. Mr Prince recommended to Object and this was seconded by Mrs Handley. It was RESOLVED to carry the decision unanimously to OBJECT on the grounds of scale and harm to neighbouring properties.
Form a bin storage area with gates and 1.8m close boarded fence stained black
Merry’s Farm, Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HR, Mr Tom Jack
The plans were discussed and, according to the paperwork, had already been carried out. Mr Dinsdale therefore proposed No Recommendation. This was carried and it was RESOLVED, NO RECOMMENDATION.
Clerk: K Easey £621.90 LGA 1972 s.111
Tailcorn £250.00 LGA 1972 s.142
Balens Handbell Insurance £127.40 LGA 1972 s.143i
All finance payments were agreed. It was requested by Mr Prince that the future of the handbells be added to the next full agenda for discussion.
There was no further correspondence.
District and County Councillor Reports
Next Meetings: Planning and Full PC on Monday 10th December 2018.