Unconfirmed Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 29th June 2020
DRAFT MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING meeting held via Zoom on Monday 29th June 2020 at 8 pm
Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mr Dalton, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Oliver and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. Apologies for Absence received from Mr Watterson and Mrs Handley.
2. Declarations of Interest were given by Mrs Glasse as a neighbour of Item 3.
3. Reference: 20/01374/FUL
Change of use of existing farm access from agricultural land to residential use and construction of detached double garage (Re-submission of S/4118/18/FL)
28 Lowfields Little Eversden Cambridge
The resubmitted plans have a smaller footprint than last time. Mrs Glasse indicated that the plans still compromised No 26 Lowfields, however it was the best option so far. The Council still had concerns about the scale and proximity of the build, with particular concern about the height of the garage at over 5m. The Council voted 4:3 to OBJECT to the application with the above comments. Highways comments regarding encroaching on the verge should also be referred to.
Reference: 20/02384/S73
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S/1994/18/FL
Church Farm Church Lane Little Eversden
The Council felt it was difficult to see the changes, it appeared that a new building had been added making the footprint bigger than Church Farm itself. Member of the public in attendance via Zoom explained that the Farm had been sold 6 months ago and split between the house and the outbuildings. A further member of the public indicated that Church Farm was a Listed Building therefore the application would be in the curtilage of both Church Farm and St Helens. The Council voted 5:3 to OBJECT to the application with the above comments and the proximity to the Church.
Reference: S/3083/19/OL
Outline planning permission for the erection of 8 dwellings with all matters reserved.
Fireworks Store Comberton Road Little Eversden Cambridge CB23 1EW
On discussion the Council reiterated previous comments regarding an unsustainable site due to lack of buses and non safe route. It was also felt that the architecture was lack lustre for a rural site.
4. Nomination of Representative to attend East West Rail Lobby Group set up by Haslingfield Parish Council
Haslingfield were keen to set up a working group of neighbouring Parishes and had asked for representatives. Mr Prince said he had spoken with Mr Watterson and if the Council agreed would like to nominate him to be the representatives for the Eversdens. The Council voted unanimously to put Mr Watterson forward as our representative. The Clerk also made a note of 4 residents in attendance via Zoom that would like to be considered if representatives were opened up more widely than Parish Councils.
5. A further application had been received however the Council had not had time to consider so the Clerk will ask for an extension until 14th July. If an extension is not granted a resolution was agreed to vote on the application via email.
The Chair closed the meeting at 20:49 pm.