Unconfirmed Parish Council Minutes: 22 September 2014


Present: Mr Dalton, Mrs Glasse, Ms Green, Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Spencer and, in the Chair, Mr Tebbit.

1          Apologies received from Mr Dinsdale and Cllr Page.

2          The full Parish Council minutes of 11th August 2014 and the Planning minutes of 8thSeptember 2014 were agreed and signed as a true record.

3          Public Participation

Mr Nicholson requested a point of clarification regarding the Community Orchard, is the fruit for the general public as he had been informed it was not and there is also fencing around the site. Mr Tebbit informed the meeting that, yes, the fruit is for the general public and the fencing is to prevent wildlife entering and eating the young saplings. There are signs indicating the entry point for the public.

Miss Sach informed the meeting that she had received a response from SCDC regarding her complaint about Cllr Page. The Clerk will forward a copy to all Councillors for information.

4          Declarations of Interest

Mr Tebbit declared an interest in Item 6g – Community Right to Bid, as he is the tenant of the Community Orchard on behalf of the farmer.

5          Electrical Waste Kerbside Collection

Mr Duggan from Wiser Recycling in St Ives attended the meeting to give the PC further information on electrical waste kerbside collections. The company have 3 treatment centres in St Ives, Thetford and Huddersfield. They operate free kerbside collection of all electrical appliances and pay the Parish Council £40 per tonne. They operate 6 monthly collections in the village and supply and display all the posters. The Parish Council are asked to promote the collection as much as possible. All appliances with a plug can be collected, including fridges and freezers, although these will not count towards the overall tonnage collected. If residents have bulky items that cannot be put on the kerbside they can register with the company and once the kerbside collections have been undertaken, the driver will then pick up bulky items. The Parish Council were in favour of the suggestion and it was resolved that the first collection will be Monday 12th January 2015. Mr Farnell agreed to liaise with Mr Duggan over the advertising of the collection for the October Tailcorn.

6          Matters Arising

  1. a) Cambridge Triathlon – This has now been cancelled due to the water quality of the Cam.
  2. b) Bike/Bus Project – The Clerk had received a copy of the leaflet from SCDC and gave details of where it can be obtained from £1. Copies of the timetable are available from the Clerk.
  3. c) Chapel Road Tree Fall – The Clerk had contacted both UK Power Networks and SCDC. The trees were within neither companies remit and the landowner is responsible. The large branches have since been removed by a member of the public.
  4. d) Mare Way – Mr Tebbit reported that Mr Banks had now cut the Mare Way and also put soil into the potholes on FP26. Wimpole Road will be cut in the near future.
  5. e) Wimpole Road Flooding – Mr Tebbit informed the meeting that, unbeknown to the Parish Council, SCDC Flood & Water Management had produced their own report and approached the same parishioners as ourservles. Nothing has yet been resolved and SCDC will write again. From the floor Mrs Webster expressed her concern that following hedgecutting, if we have heavy rainfall the debris will be washed into the ditches and drains.
  6. f) Emergency Planning – Mr Handley requested mobile numbers from those Councillors who have not yet given them to her so that the telephone plan can be completed.
  7. g) Community Right to Bid – The Clerk is currently seeking clarification on adding private land to the Register.
  8. h) Broadband – Fibre optic is now available in most areas of Little Eversden & Great Eversden
  9. i)   Hedge of FP22 – Mr Tebbit will speak to the Highways Officer at SCDC as it is the leylandi to the south of the path that is overhanging considerably.
  10. j)   Fly Tipping Harlton Road – Mr Tebbit reported that he has produced a note for Tailcorn.

7          Speedwatch

Mr Tebbit read the following report from Rev Charles Fraser.

Speedwatch has been operating approx 3 checks per month. We have had excellent support from the police who have joined us on several occasions. The input of data has moved to an automatic system which should speed things up. Approx 2000 letters are produced each month by the police. Whilst the focus of Speedwatch is firmly on education the data informs the Roads Policing Unit where to focus activity. There has been enforcement on 4 occasions that I am aware of in the last 3 months. In at least one of these other more serious offences have been reported for prosecution. On average 180 vehicles per hour are checked in an a evening sessions compared to less than half in an equivalent morning rush hour. On average 15% of vehicles of all types are found to be exceeding 35 mph which is the trigger speed in a 30 zone. About 40% of those exceeding the limit live in the village or very close. Livia will be happy for more people to volunteer for training!

Mr Dalton recorded thanks to Livia Fraser.

8          Section 106 Payment resulting from 42 Wimpole Rd. development.

Indemnity signed on behalf of the Parish Council by the Chair and Vice Chair. and resolution passed.

It is understood that we will receive £4258.90 towards ” Public Open Space “ and a further £703.84 towards “ indoor Community facilities”.

By signing the indemnity the Parish are taking responsibility of spending the money in accordance with the 106 agreement. In the event of the PC not spending the money ( within 10 years ) in the appropriate way, it may be asked to repay.

9          OSP 148

Mr Tebbit reported that he had contacted Accent Nene for an update on OSP148. Beverley Hill reported that the application had been lodged with SCDC but was not yet available on their website and the Clerk has not yet received anything from SCDC Planning.   The 106 agreement had to be decided beforehand prior to submission.

10       Finance

Staples (Clerk’s Computer)              £549.96           LGA 1972 s.226
Harston PC Councillor Training     £76.95            LGA 1972 s.142

11       Correspondence

The Clerk reported that we had received an invitation to contribute to the SCDC Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Kindersley indicated that the Parish should not participate in the proposed draft Service Level Agreement. Although the Parish would receive 25% of future CIL money if a neighbourhood plan were in place, as opposed to only 19% of CIL money if no plan were in place it would cost in the region of £20k to produce a neighbourhood plan.

12        Report from Councillors

No report was received from Cllr Page.

Councillor Kindersley informed the meeting that the new timetable for the No 75 bus does not include the Eversdens, due to the fact that the Parishes have access to Demand Responsive Transport.   In answer to the question of how young people in the villages would be able to attend 6th form in Cambridge, Cllr Kindersley indicated that there is no statutory obligation to provide transport for over 16s. The bus will continue to stop at the neighbouring village of Harlton.   Cllr Kindersley also suggested residents should continue to contact Demand Responsive Transport and request to be taken to the P&R sites. Despite the link to Cambridge currently being at Cambourne, all calls have to be logged and if demand if high then route changes will have to be considered.

Cllr Kindersley reported that the £30 million Ely bypass had been unanimously passed.

The County budgets has to be cut by £37.5m next year, residents are now being asked for their views on line.   One of the areas of possible savings is moving towards library access points.

CEMAX are lodging a planning application for 225 homes within the next fortnight. The 106 agreement and development contribution is currently being discussed and Cllr Kindersley asked the PC to report anything in terms of infrastructure that may impact on the Eversdens.

Park and Ride feedback was also discussed, predominately negative, and Cllr Kindersley agreed the situation needed to be resolves as soon as possible.

16       Next Meetings
6th October and 20th October 2014 at 8pm, Planning, if required.
Monday 3rd November 2014 at 8 pm, Full Parish Council Meeting

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