PC Meeting: Monday 11th December 2017
ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to a PARISH COUNCIL meeting to be held in the Pavilion on Monday 11th December 2017 at 8 pm
Apologies for Absence
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
To approve minutes of 27th November 2017.
Declarations of Interest
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
Connections Bus
Budget and Precept
Ref: S/4182/17/FLS
40, Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HB
Single Storey rear and front extension, remove side/front garage/ lobby.
Balens Handbell Insurance £124.43 LGA 1972 s.111
Cambridgeshire ACRE Membership £55.40 LGA 1972 143(1)
Next Meetings: Planning and Full Parish Council, Monday 8th January 2018