Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Friday 14th January 2022

Minutes of meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 14th January 2022 at 8:00 pm in the Village Hall

Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Brown, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Watterson, Mrs Jack, Mr Oliver and Mrs Edwards.

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Further to alterations to the budget to include a £1k Jubilee pot; £1500 for the website, £3200 for the Fossey Field, an increase to £500 for Tailcorn and £10k for the Connections bus the Precept was accepted as £29,000 for another year.

4. Letter to Anthony Browne MP, sent by Clerk, expressing our feelings of being let down by Central Govt and the need for more productive zoom meetings to be re-instated permanently: The Chair will circulate a response to all Councillors for comment and the final version will be sent to Mr Browne by the Clerk.

5. Following a less than satisfactory service it was approved that Mr Prince will speak to Vision ICT regarding the ongoing work and was given a mandate by the PC to take whatever action was deemed necessary. In the meantime, the Clerk will forward the terms of business to the Chair.

6. Response to SCDC regarding 2-4 High Street and Planning Committee Nomination Attendance. Further to extensive email discussion it was agreed that the Council would send the application to Planning Committee. A statement will be prepared through online discussion and a Councillor, to be decided nearer the time, will attend.

7. Finance
Zion Landscapes £900.00
P Mallows (Village Sign Area) £185.00
Tailcorn Grant £250.00
All finances were approved.

8. Reference: 21/05371/HFUL
Demolition of existing garage, front porch and side extension with a rear dormer extending on first floor level.
4 Wimpole Road Great Eversden CB23 1HR
Following discussion, it was agreed NO RECOMMENDATION, with the comment that the gable end of the property is facing the window of No 6 and may block the light.

9. Neither the County or District Councillor were in attendance.

10. Following the Clerks resignation, Mr Dinsdale wanted to thank Mrs Easey for all her services to the Council.

11. Next meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 24th January 2022 and Monday 7th February 2022; Full Parish Council Monday 21st February 2022.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:43pm.

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