PC Minutes: Monday 18th July 2018


Present:  Mr Watterson, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Glasse, Mr Dinsdale and in the Chair, Mr Dalton

Apologies received from Councillor Lina Joseph.

Co-option of New Members

The Clerk informed the meeting that we had received 3 expressions of interest to be co-opted onto the Council, all 3 are Little Eversden residents.   As the vacancies are for Great Eversden ward, the Council would like to try again to recruit from Great.  It was therefore proposed that the Mr Prince and Mr Oliver, who were in attendance in the public gallery, be co-opted and the third vacancy be re-advertised for the July meeting.   If thereafter no Great residents came forward the 3rd vacancy could be filled by the original applicant.

Mr Dinsdale proposed that Mr Prince and Mr Oliver be co-opted, this was seconded by Mrs Handley.  The vote was carried with a 4:2 majority with two abstentions.

Open Forum for Public Participation

There was nothing from the public gallery.

To approve minutes of 14th May

A correction is need to the minutes to clarify that Mr Dalton agreed to stay in post as Chair for the foreseeable future.  Mrs Glasse proposed the minutes thereafter as a true and accurate record, this was seconded by Mr Dinsdale.

Declaration of Interests

Mr Dinsdale declared a personal interest in Item 11.  Mrs Glasse declared an interested in Item 7 and Mrs Mallows to Item 12.

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

Mr Dalton and Mr Dinsdale both signed their acceptance of office. The Clerk circulated the new GDPR Register of Interests.

The Clerk informed the meeting she was unable to find anyone to repair the Village Pump on Harlton Road. Ms O’Callaghan said she may have a contact and will investigate.

The Clerk will contact Zurich Insurance for Public Liability advice regarding SCDC email.

Further to the problems with postal deliveries the Clerk said that individuals needed to complain on 03457 740 740.

The Clerk reported that she had spoken to FW Cook and the War Memorial restoration work should be completed by November 2018.

Mr Dinsdale reported that the A603 is due to have patch repairs to the surface.

The Clerk reported we had received £13229.00 as the first instalment of the Precept.

Planning Proposal by Pegasus

The proposal received was incorrect in that the Village Hall could not be sold as it not receive two thirds of the vote needed.

It was also incorrect in that nothing had been formally presented to the Recreation Ground.

The Council asked that Pegasus provide a detailed account in writing of a) what is being proposed in relation to the adjacent land and b) what is the Parish Council being approached.   Once received it was agreed the Clerk would circulate further to make a decision on whether to invite Pegasus to the July meeting.

Connections Bus

Further to the latest half term figures being received it was agreed to make a decision whether to fund the Bus past the summer term at the July meeting.  Mr Dinsdale will update the attendance figures and circulate prior to this meeting.

Clerks Pay Scales

The Clerk informed the meeting that NALC had increased salaries from April 2018 to £10.08 per hour.  It was RESOLVED to accept this increase.

LHI Applications

The Clerk informed the meeting of a new Local Highways Initiative bidding round.  The closing date is 31st July 2018 for applications.  Mr Watterson and Ms O’Callaghan will liaise with Mr Dinsdale regarding a bid for Wimpole Road, Great Eversden.

Planning: S/1994/18/FL
Church Farm, Church Lane, Little Eversden, Cambridgeshire
New 1.5 storey house plus separate garage in the garden of Church Farm
Prof & Mrs Dawes Planning

Following discussion with was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application with a 5:3 majority vote.


£92.00                   Tailcorn Extra Colour                       LGA 1972 s.142
£75.00                   SCDC Election Fees                          LGA 1972 s16 (ii)
£50.00                   SCDC Village Hall Car Park             LGA 1972 s.133


The Clerk reported she had received email correspondence regarding the public access across Footpath 25 and aggressive dogs.  Mr Dalton will deal with this as Footpaths Officer.

The Clerk reported that SCDC had turned down both requests for 49 Harlton Road and 16 Harlton Road to be sent to Planning Committee.

Mrs Glasse asked the Clerk if she could provide copies of the Land Registry documents for the Recreation Ground as this was needed to proceed with a bat survey.

District Councillor: Aiden Van de Weyer

New Council
The new administration at South Cambs took over at the council’s AGM on 23 May. The Leader is Bridget Smith. I am the deputy leader with responsibility for planning policy. I am also the South Cambs representative on the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP, formerly the City Deal).

The new leader announced the priorities for the council:

  • building genuinely affordable housing,
  • supporting business, especially SMEs,
  • putting the environment first, in policy and action.

We also announced some changes to the way that the council will work. Decisions will principally take place at monthly meetings of the full Cabinet. Papers will be taken to the Scrutiny committee before decisions are made to allow the change to influence the decisions. Grants criteria and allocations will be made transparently by a new committee. There is also a new Environment and Climate committee. Lastly, a Brexit working group has been set up to support local residents and businesses.

Local Plan and 5-Year Housing Land Supply
The Council now believes that is has a 5-Year Housing Land Supply, meaning that we can now apply our village framework policies when deciding on planning applications. We only have about 160 houses more than the 5-year minimum, so it our calculations will be challenged at planning appeals.

There have been some further delays to the inspector’s report on the new Local Plan, but the report should still be back with us during the summer. If the report is positive, we will be able to adopt the Plan and give further protection to our villages.

The Mayor and the Combined Authority
The Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, James Palmer, is trying to stop the GCP from getting on with the public transport schemes it was set up to deliver. It’s far from clear what he actually wants, but Palmer is talking about building tens of thousands of new houses along a new light rail route, using a land value cap to pay for the light rail and an M11 extension into the Fens.

East-West Rail
On 14 June, I attended a meeting of the East-West Rail Consortium, which is a coalition of local councils and other bodies working to get East-West Rail built.

Work is currently being done on the options for route through South Cambs. It will likely come through our area and join up with the Royston-Cambridge line at some point. There will be pressure to build many more houses around any new station, so I am pushing for the line to go as near as possible to Cambourne, which has much more potential.

Route choices will be consulted on towards the end of 2018, with a decision to be made early in 2019.

Next Meetings
Planning, if required, 2nd July and Full Parish Council meeting Monday 23rd July 2018.

The Chair closed the meeting at 21.12 pm


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