Parish Council Minutes: Monday 17th February 2020
Apologies for Absence received from Mr Watterson and Mrs Mallows.
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes):
It was reported that the ditches on the Rec were exposing the hedge roots next to the Fossey Field
To approve minutes of 6th January 2020 and Planning of 20th January 2020
It was voted to postpone this item until next meeting or planning meeting as most Councillors had not had an opportunity to read them
There were no Declarations of Interest.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
2020 Annual Parish Meeting dates: It was agreed to combine them with PC meeting evenings, 30th March in Little and 11th May in Great. Unanimously voted in support
Fossey Land Update:
Paperwork and progress continues.
OSP148 Update:
SCDC are liaising with the applicant’s agent, there is no fixed date on planning committee.
Tennis Club Update
Postponed item
Light & Defib Installation: Village Hall, update:
Fitting light in cupboard is considered “de minimis” work by Planning at SCDC, they are not interested, and therefore we can continue. The Clerk will inform the electrician to proceed.
We have not heard about possibility of Defib installation. Investigation continues, meanwhile a resident has offered us £200 towards its costs.
Tree Plantation; Wimpole Road update:
No further action is required following a letter read out from County Highways. Cllr O’Callaghan asked about previous rights way. Cllr Dalton raised the fact that public rights of way law is changing on 1 Jan 2026.
Street Lighting Update:
Cllr Dinsdale reported that quotes go from £1000 to Opus quote of £354. However, since the District were going to replace our lights with LED, and Cllr Dinsdale reported that off contract rates cost about double. So it was proposed to ask the Clerk to write to County and ask to postpone the move to self-payment, as we were to receive LED lights, until this was settled as it appeared the rate achieved by County , even with admin charge, was very advantageous. Unanimously voted in support.
Village Hall and Recreation Ground Minutes:Not available
Request from Village Hall to make application for steel container on their behalf.
Vote, agreed by all, less abstention by Cllr Glasse.
Lowering age of young people on Connections Bus & Renewing further term:
It had not been possible to visit the bus to discuss age limits, as they were absent in half term.
Verbal research says kids who are in last 2 years of primary are dying to go and those who are older teens think it is uncool to go. Looking at the attendance figures which have doubled, it was decided to renew for another term, this was unanimously voted.
Three Free Trees for Parish Councils:The Chairman had ignored previous emails about this as the PC does not manage any land currently.
It was decided that we should apply now for the vouchers and plant next year maybe where ash trees are falling down in the Rec s Harlton Road hedge. Unanimously voted.
County Broadband Correspondence:
From the Edwards’ research, CB looked like our best chance for fibre to the door. It might cost £28 for first 6 months and £60 pcm for a further 18 months [if you kept full speed, less if you took a reduced speed, it was believed]. They would also offer free connection to community buildings. It was agreed that Cllr Edwards would liaise with the Clerk and arrange a village wide meeting with County Broadband. The PC would simply help arrange this meeting between CB and its potential clients. Unanimously voted.
Annual Litter Pick
Saturday 28 March was selected, Unanimously voted.
East West Rail Link
Our district Councillor was able to report that it was believed it would pass between Bourne Airfield and Bourne Village and then through Toft and then somehow meet up with Cambridge South station. East West rail are running drop in events [elsewhere published on EOL] . Information on their website is sparse for our purposes. The District council will have a chance to liase. The train was to be zero carbon but would not be electrified. The District Councillor will give us running updates.
The Chair asked if it was still the case that ‘C’ roads might still be cut in two by the rail ? Our district Councillor replied that this was something he had not got information about. Local input would be important to establish which rights of way are important and which could be diverted
Parish Insurance: Zurich £1,958.88 LGSA 1972 s.111.
Decided not to agree this check until an examination of the policy. Some questions had been raised for examination. It was agreed we could approve the payment in a future email vote. It was agreed we would ask the Village Hall to supply an inventory of contents. It was debated whether the Village Hall should have its own contents insurance policy. Unanimously voted.
CCC (Street Lighting) £156.55 LGA PCA 1957 s.3
Unanimously voted.
K Easey: Clerk £484.82 LGA 1972 s(112.2)
Unanimously voted.
No further Correspondence was received.
District and County Councillor Reports
Our district Councillor reported that there is a consultation on the local plan that ends on 24th Feb, govt says 32,000 homes were required to be built. Council tax will go up by £5 for a band D house.
Planning permission for the Rec ground building may go to the Planning Committee on March 11th.
[and his report on the rail as above].
The Chair asked if Parishes could receive some training in the changes to Public Footpaths and rights of way laws that change on 1 Jan 2026.
County Councillor, not present
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, 2nd March and 16th March. Little Eversden Parish meeting and full Parish Council meeting on 30th March 2020.
The meeting was closed at 9.05pm.