PC Minutes: Monday 4th September 2017
Present: Mr Clive Dalton, Mr Steve Dinsdale, Mrs Carol Handley, Mrs Sue Glasse,Ms Kieran O’Callaghan, Mrs Cathie Mallows, Dr Patrick Sinnett-Smith, Mr Stephen Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince.
Apologies for Absence were received from Councillors Joseph and Cattermole.
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Mr Nicholson enquired as why there had not been a Connections Bus report in Tailcorn recently. The Clerk would forward the latest report to Cllr Mallows for publication. Discussion developed regardng the attendance of the bus and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would collate attendance figures for the last 2 years, to be presented at the next Full Council meeting.
To approve minutes of Monday 24th July 2017 and Planning minutes of 14th August 2017.
Approve Minutes:
Cllr Dinsdale proposed the minutes of 24th July be accepted as a true record of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Mallows.
The minutes of 14th August were agreed a true and accurante record as porposed by Cllr Watterson and seconded by Cllr Glasse.
Declarations of Interest were given by Cllr Glasse regarding the Recreation Ground.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
- A603 Update: Cllr Dinsdale reported that he had had a meeting with County Councillor, Lina Joseph so that he could update her on the background. Cllr Dinsdale informed the meeting that from discussion the best way forward was to put forrward an LHI bid, with the support of Harlton, for a Safety Audit to be carried out. By describing the problems with the junction: risk to Wheatsheaf, parking in sliproad; provision of crossing and protection of pedestrians, undertaking in layby; rear end shunts it was hoped the LHI bid could fund a design scheme. It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr Dinsdale would proceed with the above on behalf of the Parish Council.
Highway Defects Repair: Cllr Dinsdale informed the meeting that surface patch repairs would take place on Wimpole Road from the 8th to 11th Unfortunately the area near the Hoops would only be surfaced patched due to budget constraints, however the road will not need to be closed. Bucks Lane work will be carried out on 12th and 13th September. Chapel Road will also have a large patch and repair due to sinkage.
Purchase of Arnold Baker – ongoing
Appointment of Recreation Committee Parish Council Trustees: Lisa Chambers of Cambridgeshire ACRE has agreed to attend to speak to the Parish Council regarding their position regarding the new Pavilion. At the request of Cambs ACRE the meeting will be a closed meeting for Parish Council only.
Litter on Recreation Ground: There is a continuing problem on the Recreation Ground with illegal paraphenalia. The Recreation Ground Committee has been in touch with the Police and have a crime number issued. Mrs Mallows will write an article for Eversden online informing residents of the situation.
Community Gritting Scheme for 2017-2018: It was agreed not to propose any volunteers.
Bollards at Leetes Lane: this issue is ongoing.
Appointment of Speaker for OSP148 Planning Committee
In the absence of a firm date for the Planning Committee Cllr Dinsdale proposed that Cllr Prince speak at the meeting when the date is decided. This was seconded by Cllr Handley and it was RESOLVED that Mr Prince could delegate authority to another Councillor if her was unavailable.
Developing a strategy for Communicating with the Public
Cllr Sinnett Smith had sent a paper round on how we could improve our strategy for communicating with the public. It was RESOLVED that we adopt the principles set out in that paper. The Clerk will amend the FOI statement on the website.
S/2790/17/FL7: 28, High Street, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HN
Side and rear two storey extension.
Applicant: G Bell
Mrs Bell attended the meeting and explained the plans to the Council. There was no opposition received fro neighbours. Cllr Sinnett-Smith proposed we SUPPORT the plans, this was seconded by Cllr O’Callaghan. The Council voted unanimously iin favour of the proposal and this was RESOLVED.
S/2965/17/FL: 4, Kingston Road, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HT
Construction of single storey side extension. Construction of replacement gable ended roof with raised eaves line. Associated alterations to first floor fenestration and removal of chimneys; construction of front porch and first floor front bay window extension.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Noto
Following discussion Cllr Dinsdale proposed a return of NO RECOMMENDATION, this was seconded by Cllr Glasse. The Council voted unanimously in favour of this proposal and it was RESOLVED.
Connections Bus £2805.00 LGA 1972 s.19
Eversden Churches Grant £1200.00 LGA 1972 s.124
Both cheques were approved for payment.
Correspondence: The Clerk reported that 16th October is British Heart Foundation, Save a Life Day. The Clerk therefore proposed further CPR training.
There were no reports received from County and District Councillors
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 18th September 2017; 2nd October 2017 and Full Council meeting on Monday 16th October 2017