PC Meeting Minutes: Monday 28th November 2016


Present:, Mr Clive Dalton, Mrs Sue Glasse, Mrs Carol Handley, Ms Kieran O’Callaghan, Mr Steve Dinsdale, and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince

1. Apologies for Absence were received and accepted from Dr Sinnett-Smith, Ms Alexander and Dr Russell.

2. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Following the discussion regarding the possible sale of the Village Hall, Mr Nicholson asked that it be noted that graves and memorials have a covenant that they should not be touched as part of the sale.

3. To approve minute of 17th October and Planning Minutes of 1st November and 14th November 2016
It was requested that the 17th October minutes include apologies from Ms O’Callaghan. These were amended and all minutes were approved as a true and accurate record.

4. There were no Declarations of Interest.

5. OSP148: New Developments and Update presented by Accent Nene

Helen Fortune – Project manager at Accent Housing
Toyah Thomas – Housing officer at Accent Housing
Nick Green – Architect
Uzma Ali – South Cambridgeshire District Council
Cllr Lynda Harford – South Cambs District Council, Housing Portfolio Holder.

Mrs Fortune said Accent Nene had submitted new plans addressing the items highlighted in the current judicial review. She explained the judicial review that bought about due to the process of how the application was carried out. It surrounds the National Planning Policy Framework and has never been addressed, therefore there is no benchmark.

The call for land had been successful although for commercial reasons Accent Nene were not currently able to tell us any more about the sites.

Nick Green then went on to show the new plans and explain the changes. The boards are available to view at the Church School.

6. Matters Arising & Clerks Update
a. Emergency Planning – No update.
b. A603 Update – The Clerk will circulate the unconfirmed minutes of the meeting.
c. Dates for 2017 – The final version was circulated.
d. BT Maintenance Work – The Clerk reported that both Bucks Lane and Finch’s Field work is complete.
e. Street Lighting – It was resolved that we would not go ahead with LED lights on the grounds of cost. Cllr Dalton reported that the lights in Wheelers Way belonged to the County Cuncil and not the Parish Council dating from building the council homes in Wheelers Way.
f. Village Hall/Recreation Ground Amalgamation – The two Committees have plans to meet for favourable communication. The Clerk said the response to the Tailcorn article had been very disappointing. A member of the public gallery suggested in order to engage the village a public meeting to discuss the full implications of the amalgamation should be held.

7. Cold Calling
The Chair suggested putting a door sticker into each copy of tailcorn to deter cold callers. Mrs Marshall had contacted South Cambs following the last meeting to ask if door stickers were avaible, it was therefore suggested that she email her contact again and request 400.

8. Footpath No 15 & No 20
Cllr Dalton, Footpaths Officer suggested putting plainings in FP20 due to pot holes. As the land was rented and the tenant currently cut the field 3 times a year and the rabbits would simply dig the plainings it was resolved that it would be left.

The Clerk will ask Mr Tebbit if he would cut FP15 in due course.

Mr Dalton will write an article for Tailcorn asking residents using the FPs to keep dogs under control.

9. Finance & Budget Notification
The Clerk informed the meeting that the Budget would be discussed at the 12th December meeting. Mr Nicholson asked that the Church continue their £1200 funding.

£120.79 Balens Handbell Insurance LGA 1972 s111

10. Correspondence
i. Hedge Complaint – It was agreed that Cllr Dinsdale will speak to the homeowners of the offending hedges.
ii. Bucks Lane Trees – The Clerk will ask Mr Tebbit to cut the Recreation Ground trees on behalf of the Parish Council.
iii. Recreation Ground Play Equipment – It was agreed this item would be discussed at a future Parish Council meeting in more detail.

11. Report from County and District Councillors

District Council – Doug Cattermole

Council Meeting 17/20 November
The plans for devolution with an elected mayor were approved by South Cambs. Peterborough, East Cambs, Huntingdon, the County Council and the City Council also voted in favour.

The Local Plan was reviewed and further green belt land added at Bourn Airfield and the Cambridge Biomedical Site (Addenbrookes). There may be some adjustment to the Waterbeach development depending on the response from Historic England regarding Denny Abbey.

An amendment to the way that public questions are put to the Greater Cambridgeshire City Deal (GCCD) was approved. This means that questions can now be put three days in advance of the meeting rather than 24 hours but will be restricted to 300 words.

The road closure idea has now been dropped and the major transport components now appear to be the Cambourne to Cambridge bus route (A428), the Western Orbital (new bus link on the M11 between junctions 11 and 13) and cycleways. The only one of note affecting our area is the A10 but most of the work on that is linking Harston and Royston. The scope of transport measures is now much restricted and as it stands will do little to ease congestion in and out of the city.

Grosvenor Sporting Village/Local Plan
Grosvenor made a submission to the inspector reviewing the draft SCDC Local Plan concerning the failure to identify a need for a community stadium. The Council argued that this issue had been considered but not included. The Council will respond in writing.
Planning consultation is until 31 December 2016

75 bus service
I have added my voice to the chorus of concern over the reliability of this service and have asked Whippet how they intend to ensure reliability and give people confidence in the service.

Their response said
‘From 14 November we reduced our commitments in order to provide a more robust operation and we will do the same at the end of December and mid-January. These actions should restore customer faith in our ability to provide a reliable and punctual service.’
They appear to have cut some other routes which may help provide resources for the 75.

County Councillor – Sebastian Kindersley
• Cllr Kindersley reported that the devolution vote had been supported and the new major will be sworn in in May.
• Cllr Kindersley asked that bus passes be renewed online.
• Many residents had reported a wait of 15-20 minutes when dialling the 101 non urgent number. Cllr Kindersley said that a recruitment drive had taken place so this wait should now drop.
• Budget cuts continue to take effect, with one of the more obvious services being the winter gritting, having been reduced from 40% to 33% of roads. This is likely to reduce further.

12 Next Meetings
Monday 12th December 2016 Full Parish and Planning, Monday 9th January 2017 Full Parish Meeting and Monday 23rd January 2017, Planning, if required at 8 pm.

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