Little and Great Eversden Parish Council

Your Parish Council comprises of 8 members (we currently have 2 vacancies). Councillors serve for a term of four years and represent the interests of the village and work together to make decisions for the benefit of the community.

The Council is responsible for the Parish budget, and village amenities such as the Fossey field, bus stops, defibrillator at the village hall, telephone boxes, village signs, notice boards and benches as well as any environmental issues or concerns.

It is also the interface between parishioners and the District and County Councils; liaison with South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) in relation to planning applications, street signs, council housing, environment, rubbish collection and the new Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire; and Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) in respect of education, street lighting, drainage, highways, speed limits, footpaths, bus services and strategic planning.

Your Councillors are always ready to help if you have any questions or matters of concern about your local area or local services.

Parish Council Meetings

Full Parish Council Meetings are held every 4 weeks in the village Hall in Great Eversden. Usually on a Thursday at 8pm. Planning meetings are on an as needed basis.

Agenda Items For Parish Council Meetings

If you have an issue which you would like to be discussed by the Parish council, you can

1. Mention it to a member of the Parish Council.  Members and their contact details are listed below.

2. E-mail the Clerk,

Items must reach the Clerk 10 working days before the date of the meeting.


Local Issues

Local issues such as dog fouling, road maintenance, hedges and grass cutting, fly tipping, street signs and more should be reported directly to South Cambs District Council. There are links to report issues here.



Parish Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer:  Barbara Isherwood. E-mail:

Council Members:

Chair: Matt Prince 07973 382260

Vice Chair: Steve Dinsdale 01223 263906

Helen Edwards 01223 265552

Susan Glasse  01223 262621

Stephanie Jack 07588 233698

Cathie Mallows 01223 264461

Kieran O’Callaghan 01223 262733Y

Yogendra Parmar – TBC

Stephen Watterson 07794421233


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