PC Meeting Minutes: Monday 8th April 2019
Present: Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Edwards, Mr Oliver, Mr Prince, Mr Watterson, Mr Dinsdale, Ms O’Callaghan and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.
Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Glasse.
Open Forum for Public Participation.
Two matters were raised, progress of the broken street name at Wheeler’s Way and also the overhanging shrubs at the property at the top of High Street Little. The Clerk will chase both matters and report back at the next meeting. It was also reported that the overhanging bushes at 1/3 High Street Little had agreed to be cut in September once the nesting season had finished.
The minutes of Monday 12th February Planning and Monday 25th March 2019 Planning were approved as a true and accurate record.
Mr Prince expressed a declarations of interest in Item 13a.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
Update on No 75 Bus
The County Council confirmed that the 75 service has been agreed to continue and the procurement process is about to start. Once this period has finished we will be able to let people know whether there is a change of operator or not, but the timetable will remain as now.
Community Security – Feedback from previous meeting
This item was returned to the meeting as a definitative response had not been given. The Council resolved that a community security scheme could not be supported as properties were very spread out across the villages and we did not have the resources to manage a scheme of this nature.
Marsh Close – Feedback from previous meeting
The Council accepted that Mr Archer would move forward with his plans and were able to contact him should they wish to engage in discussion in the future.
Future of Handbells – further discussion based on further information
The Clerk had located minutes dated June 2007 whereby Mr Ellis had given the Handbells to the Village as an asset. The Council resolved that the bells should therefore remain an asset.
Decision on whether to accept lease on Fossey land based on maintenance costs
The Clerk will confirm the annual lease is for the full term and also the timescale if the Council required to terminate the lease.
GDPR – update from CAPALC
CAPALC informed the Clerk that there will be an option to “buy into” a DPO on the renewal documents. Once this has been completed the Clerk will investigate generic Councillor emails.
PKF Littlejohn External Audit
The Clerk reported that the External Audit for 2019 has been received.
Decision on funding for Connections Bus until end of year
The Council resolved to continue to fund the Connections Bus until the end of the Summer term. It was agreed the Clerk would find out when the deadline for the Autumn decision was and also impress upon the Connections Bus that if we were able to change the date and time we may encourage more children.
Increase in Churchyard Funding
The PCC had requested an increase in the their funding for the churchyard maintenance. At a previous meeting it had been requested to see the figures to support the increase. The current contract gave an hourly rate of £20. The Council resolved to agree the increase this year but requested that the PCC provide 3 quotations for the work next year in the interest of transparency.
Recreation Ground Constitution
The Recreation Ground informed the meeting that they had changed their constitution to mirror the Village Hall constitution in terms of the number of PC members on the Committee. The Recreation Committee changed the constitution at a standard meeting as they stated they have no members therefore this was acceptable.
This was challenged as to apply a constitution change the following procedure should have been followed: a general meeting, then the PC votes on it and if successful they can apply to the Charity Commission to finalise the change.
The Clerk will seek confirmation from Cambridgeshire ACRE whether the standard meeting change is legal or if the procedures above need to be followed and, if the Committee has in fact member
Piping Ditch to West Side of Recreation Ground.
It was agreed this was an awarded drain and in need of maintenance. However previous discussion with both County and South Cambs have drawn negative feedback for piping.
Request for third pitch on Recreation Ground.
A proposal for a third pitch was but forward by the Recreation Committee chairman to be housed on the Fossey land if this were taken forward along with a sponsorship proposal for a wild flower meadow. This will be discussed in greater detail once the Fossey land has been agreed.
Community Governance Review (CGR)
The Clerk had met with Jay Clarke from South Cambs DC to discuss a CGR and the benefits to the Villages of becoming one Parish. The Eversdens are currently what is known as a grouped Parish, two separate parishes but one common Parish Council. We are only one of 2 in the SCDC out of approx 156 parishes! The Parishes are not currently warded, therefore in order to have an equal split based on the size of both Great and Little Eversden we should be looking at 7 Little Councillors and 3 Great. Given the above there is little benefit in proceeding with a CGR as the only change would be the loss of a one Annual meeting per year.
Mr Clarke will inform the Clerk if the Council is able to host one Parish meeting per year if we were to change our standing orders. This item will be carried forward to the next meeting in May.
- Finance
Connections Bus £3090.00 LGA 1972 s.19
Village Hall Grant £2000.00 LGA 1972 s.124
Bikeability Donation £80.00 LGA 1972 s.111
Sustrans Donation £50.00 LGA 1972 s.111
Localender (Dave Farnell) £23.56 LGA 1972 s.142
All payments were agreed.
CVC Swimming Pool
It was resolved to donate £50 to CVC swimming pool.
Cambourne Fishing Club
There were no lakes in the Eversdens for use by the fishing club.
Request from CamBedRailroad
It was resolved to send our East West Rail response to CamBedRailroad at their request.
The Clerk had received correspondence regarding the payment for extra green bins from the PCC. It was agreed that this was for the PCC to resolve not the Clerk.
Following the Great Eversden Parish meeting it was agreed the Clerk would write regarding loose dogs in the villages. Since then the Clerk had received correspondence from the local PCSO and was able to add supporting information to the letter.
District and County Councillor Reports
Neither Councillors were in attendance.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, 29th April and next full Annual PC meeting Monday 20th May 2019.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.07 pm.