

The purpose of the website is:

  • to celebrate village life;
  • to encourage a sense of community;
  • to provide a noticeboard for events and services;
  • to make public Parish Council business;
  • to provide people of the Eversdens with opportunities to contribute.



The new website is the outcome of a chance encounter with Marian Scognamiglio at the Christmas Fayre. Marian and her husband Ollie and family had just moved in to Great Eversden. Marian let slip that Ollie runs 10 Creative a Brand Design Agency in Cambridge. “Might Ollie be interested in renewing” To my amazement, Marian said “Yes”! To my even greater amazement, so did Ollie.

So a year-long search for a successor (after 8 fulfilling years) was over.

Ollie and I planned the content of this new-style website for the Eversdens. Ollie shaped and constructed it. It is less a picture magazine-cum-archive, more a platform for the respective village functions and organisations and a vehicle for news and ideas. It is for the people of the Eversdens to use and enjoy.

The archive elements of my old website will stand more of less unchanged as a record of Eversden life and landscapes 2000 to 2013. Any material of archival interest added to this new website will be posted by the administrators and will accumulate in the relevant sections.
David Farnell, January 2014



Content Administrators

The content administrators are the password-holders who can contribute material directly into a section of the website. It will be the content administrators’ task to feed the website with material you provide.

Shelagh Bidwell is empowered to add photo albums for the varied sections. She will depend mainly on others providing photographs which she will package and post with the appropriate links.

Charles Fraser has access to enter material relating to the churches.

Liz Coyle has access to keep us informed about Recreation Ground developments and news. She will also collect and publish young people’s reports on the Connections Bus.

The Black family (Tiggy & Stuart) will be our link with events at Comberton Village College.


Technical Administrators

Ollie Scognamiglio is the technical website administrator. He has set up the website and will watch over its growth and development. The website is his gift to the villages.

More editors required!

You may want to help us? If you are an Eversden person with an interest in anything local (e.g. history, produce, business links or anything really), and wish to make regular contributions to the website, please get in touch.

Click here for more details.



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