Draft Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Monday 30th March 2020
Present: Mrs Edwards, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Watterson, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mr Prince, Rev Fraser and the Clerk.
Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Handley and Mr Dalton.
There was no Public Participation.
There were no declarations of interest.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
Approve Email Voting – due to the present situation with Covid 19 and being unable to hold face to face meetings due to social distancing the Council voted unanimously to accept a resolution to vote via email.
Street Lighting
Mr Dinsdale continues to work on the street lighting contract. Offers are only valid for acceptance for a short time due to market conditions, a resolution to give the Clerk a mandate to accept a future quote on our behalf to the value of £550 was proposed by Mr Dinsdale and agreed and carried. Mrs Edwards stated that a renewable quotation would be preferable.
Summary of Self Isolation/Vulnerable Network and approval of volunteers to act on behalf of Parish Council
Rev Charles Fraser informed the group of how the network was working in the Village. SCDC had been in touch and were due to send out the social services list of who is registered as vulnerable in the villages, these people will then be allocated to volunteers. SCDC felt that local networks may deteriorate over time and were concerned about resilience and sustainability and required a more formal structure. However, it was felt this would not be the case as there was a strong social network in the village using Facebook, Eversden online and also neighbour requests. The Council agreed that Rev Fraser was recognized as acting as a volunteer on behalf of the Parish Council and that a risk assessment would be completed.
Connections Bus £1864.00 LGA 1972 s.19
Zurich Insurance £1688.87 LGA 1972 s.111
CAPALC £386.16 LGA 1972 s.142(i)
AG Electrical £96.00 LGA 1972 s.142(i)
D Farnell £24.45 LGA 1972 s.142(i)
H Edwards £18.52 LGA 1972 s.111
P Mallows £50.00 LGA 1972 s.142
All financial items were approved for payment.
Mrs Mallows asked the Council’s view on whether Tailcorn should be published at the present time. It was agreed that it should currently be put on hold.
The Clerk reported that the The Hoops had been declined as an Asset of Community Value. It was agreed to try and appeal the decision and Rev Fraser said he would be happy to write a testimonial.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 20th April and Monday 4th May 2020 and Annual Parish Council Meeting and Great Eversden Parish meeting.
The meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.