PC Meeting: 2nd November 2015
Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Mrs Hoar, Mr Prince Mrs Webster, Mrs Pritchard, and, in the Chair, Mr Tebbit.
Apologies: Ms O’Callaghan and Cllr Page.
Mr Tebbit welcomed Mrs Webster to her first official Parish Council meeting.
The minutes of 21st September were approved as accurate and signed.
Open Forum for Public Participation
Mr Nicholson thanked Mr Tebbit and the Council for arranging for the hedge cutting to be undertaken in High Street, Little Eversden. He also expressed concerns about parking at St Helen’s given the proposed plans later in the agenda. Another member of the public gallery also expressed concerns over the Church Lane plans. Mr Tebbit agreed that these concerns could be voiced when the item is discussed.
A member of the public gallery indicated that they would like the S106 money to be spend on the development of the younger play area and would be interested to hear the plans for the 12-18 year area.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
Report from Councillor Kindersley
Councillor Kindersley urged the Council to object to the proposal to remove the right of the Parish Council to refer planning applications to Committee. Several members of the Council had replied individually, however Mr Dinsdale proposed that Mr Dalton draft a response on behalf of the Parish Council to retain that right. This was seconded by Mr Prince. The vote was carried with two abstentions.
Cllr. Kindersley reported that £41m of savings are required, following the £218m savings since 2009. He said it was very difficult to attend Parish Council meetings and inform Parishioners that “that service is not being offered any more”. Examples of cuts include removing educational transport for over 16’s; reducing speech and language therapy; cutting school crossing patrols, winter gritting and switching off street lights. In conclusion, if the service is a statutory one it will meet minimum requirements, if not it will be cut. Cllr Kindersley went on to say that in order to maintain a steady state in the budget Council tax would need to be increased by 17% and then 10%, 7% then 4% year on year.
Mr Prince asked whether the Community Chest would continue to exist, Cllr Kindersley informed the meeting it would as it was a District Council fund.
Matters Arising
The Clerk reported that Wimpole had decided to buy their own equipment. The Clerk will contact Harlton to see if they still wish to proceed.
WEEE Recycling
The January payment had now been received directly into the Bank Account and the company have proposed 27th January 2016 for a further collection. The Clerk will pursue the August payment before agreeing to the New Year date.
Public Rights of Way Grass Cutting
The Clerk had reported both FP 15 & 27 and had received confirmation that both areas would be surveyed.
LHI Funding – the Clerk reported that the LHI bid had been submitted for 382m of footpath from High Street, Little Eversden towards the Doctors surgery. They would dig out to original hardcore, flatten and then retarmac. The cost to the Parish Council would be £993 if the bid is successful.
Section 106 Money for OSP 148
Due to the short timescale involved in the request, Mr Tebbit had requested a wish list from both the Recreation Ground Committee and the Village Hall Committee. They included:
SCDC have requested comments from the Community on how to spend Section 106 money as a result of the development at OSP 148.
- New Pavilion
- New Goals for the Football Pitch
- Outdoor exercise equipment
- New Staging
- Resurfacing of Village Hall Car Park
Mr Prince asked whether we could request the money be spend 2 years after the development is complete and we know the demographics. The Council agreed that the requests should be additions to the development and we would not want to lose the existing amenities already identified.
A member of the public asked if a skateboard ramp could be considered. The idea had been trialled 15 years ago and then 7 years ago and was turned down on both occasions due to funding and noise disturbance for the neighbours.
Mr Tebbit will put the ideas to South Cambs and will circulate the response.
Planning S/2512/15/FL
Land East of 12 Church Lane, Little Eversden, Cambs.
The Council discussed the plans and took on board comments from the public gallery. Mrs Handley proposed that we refuse. This was seconded by Mr Dalton and carried with 7 votes and 2 abstentions. The following comments were to be included in the response to SCDC
- The site appears to be outside the permitted development line for the village as in SCDC Development Plan.
- The garden area is large but the proposed development is along the West edge only leading to the following objections;
- Build position is too near Nos. 10 and 12 opposite, this could be rectified by putting the house to the east of the site and the garden to the west. The wall could then be left intact and the turning/parking space unaltered.
- Shared turning and parking areas will be insufficient for traffic to the Church and to existing properties. This is important as the proposal for work and offices assumes increased traffic.
- The proposed two story dwelling will overlook Nos. 10 and 12 opposite.
- Church Lane is narrow and yet more traffic is undesirable for present occupiers including worshipers and visitors to St. Helens Church.
- The proposed developments will enclose St. Helens Church by housing on three sides.
- English Heritage will we assume be consulted
- Site Boundary: It is believed there may be a right of way/ownership track, to a third party property through the North of the site close to the southern church wall.
Village Sign Resolution
Harry Stebbings had taken the sign for renovation, unfortunately on closer inspection it was apparent that the whole sign needed replacing at a cost of £1130.00 plus VAT. The Council voted unanimously to go ahead with the quotation and have the sign remade.
War Memorial Update
Following the pre-application to the War Memorial Trust they had replied with various conditions. F W Cook were not in favour of changing their working practices to comply with the grant conditions. Mr Dalton proposed that the Council continue with the work, as initially quoted by F W Cook and not pursue the War Memorial Grant any further. This was carried with seven members of the Council in favour and 2 abstentions. The Clerk will contact Andrew Cook to take forward.
Emergency Planning
Mrs Handley reported that laminated copies of the emergency planning telephone contact numbers would shortly be posted in the Village Hall and the pavilion. All those members of the PC, the Village Hall Committee, and the Recreation Ground committee whose numbers are on the list would be sent copies. A draft statement explaining the scheme (to be posted on Eversden on-Line or the village website) would also be circulated to those concerned.
Community Gritting Scheme
There were no members of the community prepared to sign up to the SCDC Community Gritting Scheme. 20.
Identifying and Distributing Winter Health Information Packs
It was resolved that the Clerk should request 1 pack of 25 and distribute them between the Churches and Eversden Church School.
Request from East Anglian Air Ambulance for Grant Assistance
Following discussion it was resolved that the Parish Council would not fund request from the Charity as this would set a precedent and Parishioners would decide individually whom they donated to.
Correspondence Received
The Clerk had circulated the latest table showing email correspondence received. Also circulated via hard copy were the Council and Clerks Direct magazine publication and the SCDC booklet on their spending.
Clerks Pay £288.83 LGA 1972s.112(2)
Next Meetings
Planning, 16th November & 30th November, if required. Full Parish Council, 14th December
The Chair closed the meeting at 10.00 pm