Parish Council Meeting Agenda: Monday 18th June 2018
ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to a PARISH COUNCIL meeting to be held in the Pavilion on Monday 18th June 2018
Apologies for Absence
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
To approve minutes of Planning meeting on 14th May 2018.
Declarations of Interest
Co-option of New Members
Acceptance of Office & Register of Interests
Matters Arising and Clerks Update
- Village Pump
- Trees & Ditches on the Recreation Ground
- Postal Deliveries
- War Memorial
- A603 Update
Planning Proposal by Pegasus
Connections Bus
Clerks Pay Scales
LHI Applications
Planning: S/1994/18/FL
Church Farm, Church Lane, Little Eversden, Cambridgeshire
New 1.5 storey house plus separate garage in the garden of Church Farm
Prof & Mrs Dawes
£92.00 Tailcorn Extra Colour LGA 1972 s.142
£75.00 SCDC Election Fees LGA 1972 s16 (ii)
District and County Councillor Reports
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, 2nd July and Full Parish Council meeting Monday 23rd July 2018.