Parish Council Minutes : Monday 30th November 2020
Minutes of meeting of Parish Council on Monday 30th November 2020 at 8:00 pm via ZOOM
Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mr Dalton, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Oliver, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. No Apologies for Absence were received.
2. There were no Declarations of interest
3. Approve Minutes of the Planning on 9th & 11th November 2020
4. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
Request for ongoing funding for signage against from the East West Rail working group. This request was deferred to Item 5c. The Clerk was asked what Power the PC had to spend the money. The Clerk indicated that S173 of LGA 1972 could be used. The Clerk will confirm with CAPALC.
A member of the public asked about our views on traffic calming measures. This will be discussed under correspondence.
5. Matters Arising & Clerks Report
a) 2021 Precept has to be with SCDC by 20th January. We have a large committal with the Connections Bus which we need to think about. The Clerk will circulate the budget to the Council asap to discuss at January meeting.
b) Covid Grant: It was decided to distribute the £200 grant between the Recreation Ground; the Village Hall and the Churches. This would equate to £66.66 each. The respective organisations will forward their bank details to the Clerk to transfer the money.
c) EWR Update & PC Response: Stephen Watterson
Village meeting was held and very well attended, over 90 people, including representatives from CamBed RailRoad and Cambridge Approaches. It was useful in raising awareness and precipitating Eversdens working group. It is not a Council group, although two members of the PC are on it, although not as Councillors. Aim is to make a positive case and not be NIMBYS (not in my back yard). It was resolved to approve short term funding, provided we are legally allowed to do so, to the value of £1000. The Clerk asked for the original receipts to be forwarded for reimbursement and to ensure that the receipts state “Eversden Parish Council”.
d) Asset of Community Value Update: The Clerk sent an email on EOL at the beginning of the week asking for testimonials for Camspice (The Hoops). The Clerk will collate all replies and resubmit the application.
e) PC Email Account: The Clerk will follow up with 2 companies regarding the email and the website.
6. Coption of New Councillor
The Clerk explained as the votes were emailed to the Clerk before the meeting due to Zoom the result was known before the meeting. We had three candidates and the majority vote was for Chris Brown. The Clerk welcomed Mr Brown to the meeting and will forward paperwork to him to complete.
7. Fossey Maintenance Contract
The Clerk sent a contract for the PC to consider. The Clerk recorded her thanks to Mr Mallows for his help in drafting the contract. The Clerk will send a message via EOL asking them for suggestions on what we do with the field. Unfortunately, unbeknown to us there was a harrow in the field which Mr Tebbit, who has cut the hedge on our behalf, was unaware of and shredded the tyres on his tractor. It was agreed to offer to pay for the cost of the tyres. Mr Prince will fence off the harrow until it can be removed.
8. Dates for 2021 circulated to Councillors and will forward to Mrs Mallows for the next edition of Tailcorn.
9. Finance
Allotment Grant £163.15 SH&A Act 1908
Balens Handbells £129.55 LGA 1972 S.143I
Town & Country Tree Surgery £600.00 HA 1980 s.96
Zoom Payment £148.73
All payments were agreed. The Clerk will apply for a debit card for the account.
10. Correspondence received regarding parking at the junction of Harlton Road and Little High Street and the speed of traffic in Harlton Road. The Clerk has information from Hardwick regarding the cost of speed “flashers”, which we could apply for in next years LHI bid. The Clerk will find out if these come with timers for day time only. We would need to canvass opinion in the village beforehand. Highways had indicated that they are not happy to install rubble strips etc in a residential area. The Clerk will contact Speedwatch. It was suggested to readdress the parking problem on Harlton Road early next year. If cars are parked too close to the corner then the Police will reinforce without yellow lines being in place.
11. County & District Councillor Reports: Neither Councillors were present.
12. Next meetings: Planning, if required, 14 December 2020 and 4th January 2021. Full PC meeting Monday 11th January 2021
The Chair closed the meeting at 21.15 pm.