Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 8th May 2017


Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Dr Sinnett-Smith, Dr Russell

Apologies were accepted from Mr Dalton. Mr Prince also reported that Ms Alexander has resigned from the Council.

1. Election of Officers
Mr Prince was proposed by Mrs Handley and seconded by Mrs Glasse. Voting was unanimous in re-electing Mr Prince as Chairman

Mrs Handley informed the Council that she did not wish to stand for Vice Chairman and proposed Mr Dinsdale. This was seconded by Mr Prince. There were no other proposals for Vice Chair and Mr Dinsdale was unanimously voted as Vice Chairman. It was resolved that both the Chair and Vice Chair would sign the Acceptance of Office at the next Full Parish Council meeting.

It was resolved that the Clerk would continue as Responsible Financial Officer.

The Clerk informed the meeting that Mr Tony Richford was content to stand as Internal Auditor for 2017/2018.

2. Election of Representatives
It was resolved that the following would be representatives for the coming year:

Village Hall Mr Clive Dalton Proposed by Mr Dinsdale, seconded by Dr Russell
Recreation Ground Mrs Sue Glasse Proposed by Mrs Handley, seconded by Mr Dinsdale
Village Sign The Clerk will contact Mr Blatch to confirm he is content to continue.
Footpaths Mr Clive Dalton Proposed Ms O’Callaghan, seconded Mrs Glasse
Parochial Church Council The Clerk will clarify whether the PCC representative has to be a member of the Parish Council

3. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting
Dr Sinnett-Smith proposed that the minutes of 10th April 2017 be recorded as a true and accurate record. Mrs Glasse seconded the proposed. Mr Dinsdale proposed the Planning Minutes of 24th April were recorded as a true and accurate record, this was seconded by Mrs Glasse. It was RESOLVED that both minutes be agreed.

4. Open Forum for Public Participation.
Mrs Marshall informed the meeting about a spate of burglaries in Harlton Road over the weekend. It was agreed that the Parish Council would publish information regarding crime prevention on the Eversden online site and arrange for a Police Crime Prevention meeting within the Village.

5. There were no Declarations of Interest

6. Matters Arising and Clerks Report

a. The Parish Council had requested space under the South stairs in the Village Hall for storage of the Parish Council filing cabinet. The Village Hall had offered space under the North stairwell, however this was a shared facility. The Clerk will write again declining the offer.

b. The Council had agreed at the previous meeting for Mr Sutton to clean the village road signs. Ms Sach reported that Mr Sutton would be willing to clean all signs for a one off cost of £50.00 The Parish Council unanimously agreed to this cost and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact Mr Sutton to accept his generous offer. Mrs Handley also reported that Mr Rudkin, who has done a splendid job on repainting both Leetes Lane and the Lowfields sign would be willing to renew all road name signs in due course free of charge. The Council accepted this very generous offer.

c. The Clerk reported that 11 bags of rubbish were collected during the recent litter pick.

d. Mr Dinsdale reported no progress with the potholes in Wimpole Road and arranging a meeting with Highways, but would carry the item forward to the next meeting.

e. Emergency Plan update: Dr Sinnett-Smith reported that the public version of the Emergency Plan is to be published in the next edition of Tailcorn. He will circulate the latest Parish Council version.

f. Clerks Report: The internal auditor had commented that although all outgoings were reported within the minutes, there was little information regarding incoming payments, therefore:
• All S106 monies received has been ring-fenced within the NS&I account; in future the Clerk will add a standing agenda item reporting on the amount of monies and the timescale left to spend them.
• In July 2016 a payment had been authorised for £49.00 in the minutes to purchase the publication “Local Councils Explained”. On receipt of the invoice it was actually £54.99 as postage was included.
• The Clerk reported that she had submitted a VAT return of £544.26.
• The first payment of the 17/18 Precept for £13,299.00 was credited into the bank on 21st April.
• The Clerk will clarify with South Cambs, Ms Alexander’s vacancy and advertise in due course.
7. Finance
a. Approval of Increase in Clerks Salary
Mr Dinsdale proposed that the increase from £9.65 to £9.74 with effect from 1st April be approved. Mr Prince seconded the proposal. It was RESOLVED that the increase would be implemented and backdated to 1st April 2017.

b. Clerks Salary £347.71 LGA 1972 s.112(2)
The Clerk explained that due to an anomaly in the excel spreadsheet there had been an
underpayment of £0.99 and an overpayment of £20.60. Therefore the actual cost of the in-voice should be £348.70. Mr Dinsdale proposed to accept the payment and Dr Sinnett-Smith seconded. It was RESOLVED to pay £348.70 to the Clerk.

c. J Sutton: Telephone Box Cleaning £60.00 POA 1957 s.51 APPROVED
d. D Farnell (Localender) £25.16 LGA 1972 s.142(i) APPROVED

8. Annual Return for 2016/2017 for Approval
The Clerk circulated the Accounting Statements; Bank Reconciliation; Year End and Vari-ances for 2016/2017 as approved by the Internal Auditor. Electronic copies will be sent to all Councillors following the meeting. The Accounts for 2015/2016 were approved for
submission to the External Auditor.

The Clerk reported that in line with the Transparency Code all documents will be on the website.

9. Correspondence: No further correspondence received.

10. County Councillors reports

County Councillor – Lina Joseph
Mrs Joseph she was very excited about the opportunity and was fully committed to the job. She will endeavour to do all she can to help in the Eversdens.

District Councillor – Doug Cattermole
With the local elections in the first week of May and the upcoming General election, there is not a great deal to report from the Council.

The Greater City Cambridge Deal has also postponed some of its meetings due to the general election.

A new CEO, Beverly Agass, has been appointed for South Cambs District Council

Local Plan
The Inspector has asked the Council questions regarding the provisions for travellers and the Council has responded that it feels that the provisions in the plan are sound.

The Inspector will hold a range of hearings in Cambourne to review elements of the plan. There will be hearings on omissions sites – sites objectors feel should be included. Of note are the following:

Hauxton – 11 June
Barrington and Harston – 13 June
Trumpington – 5 July

There will also be other hearings such as one looking at Transport on 4 July. Details are on the South Cambs website.

Trumpington Parish
The first meetings in the new South Trumpington Parish is on 30th May.

11. Next meetings
Planning, if required, Monday 22nd May and 5th June and Full Parish Council on Monday 19th June 2017 at 8 pm.

The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

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