Health and Safety Policy

General Statement

1. Great & Little Eversden Parish Council recognizes and accepts its responsibilities as an employer to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its Clerk, contractors, voluntary helpers and any others who may be affected by activities of the Council.

2. The Council will meet its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and Regulations, and will provide as far as is reasonably, practicable, the resources to fulfil this commitment.

3. The Council will seek as and when appropriate, expert technical advice on Health and Safety to assist the Clerk in fulfilling the Council’s responsibilities for ensuring safe working conditions.

Aims of the Health and Safety Policy

4. To provide as far as is reasonably practicable:
• A safe place of work and a safe working environment
• Arrangements for considering, reporting and reviewing Health and Safety matters at work, including risk assessments of working activities
• Systems of work that are safe and without risks to health
• Obtaining specialist technical advice and assistance on matters concerning Health and Safety when necessary
• Sufficient information, instruction and training for the Parish Clerk, contractors and voluntary helpers to carry out their work safely
• Care and attention to the health, safety and welfare of the Clerk, contractors, voluntary helpers and members of the public who may be affected by the Council’s activities

Arrangements and Responsibilities for carrying out the Health and Safety Policy

5. As the Council’s Safety Officer the Clerk will:
• Keep informed of relevant health and safety legislation
• Advise the Council on the resources and arrangements to implement the Health and Safety Policy
• Ensure that matters of health and safety are discussed at Parish Council meetings when appropriate
• Ensure that risk assessments are carried out of working practices and facilities, with subsequent consideration and review of any necessary corrective or protective measures. Maintain a file of risk assessments.
• Make arrangements to ensure those contractors or voluntary helpers working for the Council comply with all reasonable health and safety requirements. All contractors will be required to abide by the terms of the contractors’ specified scope of work and will be given a copy of the Council’s Health and Safety Policy.
• Ensure that work activities by the Council, if any, do not unreasonably jeopardise the health and safety of members of the public
• Maintain a record of notifiable accidents
• When an accident or hazardous incident occurs, take immediate action to prevent a recurrence or further accident and to complete the necessary accident reporting procedure.
• Act as the contact and liaison point for the Health and Safety Executive

The Clerk, contractors and voluntary helpers will:

• Co-operate fully with the aims and requirements of the Council’s Service Agreement for Contractors and Health and Safety Policy. Comply with relevant Codes of Practice for Health and Safety at Work
• Take reasonable care for their own health and safety, use appropriate personal protective clothing and where appropriate ensure that first aid materials are available
• Take reasonable care for health and safety of other people who may be affected by their activities
• Not misuse any plant equipment, equipment, tools or materials
• Report any accidents or hazardous incidents to the Clerk

Great & Little Eversden Parish Council
Adopted 20th June 2016

To be Reviewed Annually

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