Planning Meeting: Monday 3rd July 2017

PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING on Monday 3rd July 2017 in the Pavilion at 8 pm


Present: Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Dalton, Dr Sinnett-Smith, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Glasse, Mr Dinsdale and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

1.  Apologies for Absence were received from Dr Colin Russell.

2.Declarations of Interest were received from Mrs Glasse regarding item 4.

3. S/2081/17/LB

Removal of existing wall and gate, construction of new replacement 2m high red brick wall and gate.

Red House Farmhouse, 44, High Street, Great Eversden, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 1HW

Mr Tebbit, K B Tebbit Ltd

The plans were viewed and Mr Dalton proposed they be SUPPORTED with no comments. Ms O’Callaghan seconded and the Council RESOLVED unanimously to accept the proposal.


4. Update on Legal Procedures regarding New Pavilion

The issue of the new Pavilion was discussed.  Mr Mallows was in attendance at the public gallery and inputted into the lengthy discussion.  Unfortunately no conclusion was reached and the Clerk will continue further investigation to the legalities and report back at the meeting on 17th July.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.59 pm.


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