PC Minutes – 20th June 2016


Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Easey (Clerk) and in the Chair, Mr Prince.

1. There were no Apologies for Absence.

2. To Approve minutes of 9th May 2016 and Planning Minutes of 6th June
The minutes of 9th May were approved as a true record. The minutes of 6th June were amended in Item 3 to read “Cllr Glasse proposed”, they were then approved as a true record and both sets were signed.

3. Open Forum for Public Participation
There were no items raised from the public gallery.

4. Notice of Intention of Co-opt to Vacancies
Dr Colin Russell (Great) was proposed by Mrs O’Callaghan and seconded by Mrs Glasse.
Dr Patrick Sinnett-Smith (Great) was proposed by Mrs O’Callaghan and seconded by Mrs Handley.
Mrs Carolyn Alexander (Little) was proposed by Mr Dalton and seconded by Mrs Handley.

The new Councillors joined the Parish Council. The Clerk will arrange for declaration of interest to be signed.

5. There were no Declarations of Interest.

6. Matters Arising
a) 23 High Street, Little Eversden
The Council continues to make its own enquires with regard to riparian ownership of the surrounding ditches to the site. While it has no responsibility for their maintenance, it is anxious that a solution is found which avoids the risk of flooding.

b) Signing of S106 Indemnity Agreement
Mr Dinsdale proposed and Mr Dalton seconded the proposal, which was RESOLVED to sign and return to SCDC the S106 Indemnity for 25 Harlton Road for £4,258.90.

7. Change of Bank Signatories
Mrs Glasse proposed that, as Chair, Mr Prince become a signatory to the bank account and Mr Paul Tebbit, as outgoing Chair, be removed. Mrs Handley seconded the proposal and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would submit the relevant paperwork to Santander.
8. Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)
The Clerk updated the Council on progress of the CiLCA course. The Council has budgeted for the training, however the actual subscription to the Course is £250. Cllr Prince has recently undertaken Chairman training with LCPAS. The company are prepared to train a number of people at a cost of £100. The Clerk suggested that by running training for our new Councillors, as well as offering places to surrounding Parishes we could reimburse the CiLCA training cost. Mr Dinsdale was in agreement, seconded by Mrs Glasse. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will arrange the relevant training.

9. Health and Safety Policy and Equality and Diversity Policy
The Clerk presented the Council with the above Policies. Mr Dinsdale proposed we adopt the policies and this was seconded by Dr Russell. It was RESOLVED to adopt both policies and review annually.

10. Finance
Mrs Karen Easey CPALC Membership Renewal £24.00 LGA 1972 s.142(i)
LCPAS Chairman Course £25.00 LGA 1972 s.142
NALC Local Councils Explained £49.00 LGA 1972 s.142
SCDC Rental of Chapel Road Car Park £50.00 LGA 1972 s.133
J Sutton Telephone Box Cleaning £60.00 POA 1957 s.51
SCDC Parish Election £150.00 LGA 1972 s16 (ii)
Recreation Ground Insurance £2149.10 PHA 1875 s.154
Recreation Ground Precept £2500.00 PHA 1875 s.154

It was RESOLVED that all the above cheques be paid under the relevant powers. Mr Dalton proposed the resolution and Dr Russell seconded.

11. Correspondence
As well as the usual Correspondence table the Clerk circulated the Boundary Review and the Annual Public Health Report.

12. Report from County and District Councillors

Doug Cattermole: District Councillor
Cllr Cattermole reported that he had attended briefing on the Cambridge City Deal. Their 3 main aims are to introduce a traffic control charge with cameras on certain roads with fines introduced if the roads are used between 7am-10am and 4-6:30pm; the second is to introduce a work place tax on car parking spaces and thirdly to increase resident parking only. The aims will have significant implications on South Cambs if introduced.

Sebastian Kindersley: County Councillor
Apologies for non-attendance at the last meeting.

Cllr Kindersley informed the meeting that he had attended a Local Liaison Forum, by chance rather than by invitation, at Coton Village Hall to discuss the A428/M11 corridor. He said it was very muddled with 11 Parish Councils in attendance and asked to make resolutions on various proposals. However it was not clear as to where the decisions were going to be passed onto.

Cllr Prince indicated that Eversden had been invited and he attended out of curiosity as the meeting was requesting that Parish Councils vote on resolutions. However, this was not good practice as there was no forewarning and the resolutions had not been discussed by individual Parishes. Cllr Prince declined a voting card.

Cllr Kindersley said that in future verges would only be cut twice yearly and any verges that made junctions dangerous should be reported via the County Council Highways Online reporting system. It was resolved that the Clerk would report the A603 Junction from Harlton Road. Cllr Kindersley said in future further responsibility would fall to the Parishes to cut verges.

It was imperative that both Eversden Parish Council and Harlton parish Council move forward with the Wheatsheaf Junction. The Clerk will contact Harlton and find suitable dates to meet Highways Officers, along with Cllr Kindersley at the site to discuss improvements ASAP.

There is to be an extraordinary meeting to discuss the Cambs/Peterborough Devolution proposal.

13. Next Meetings
Planning on 4th July 2016, if required, and 25th July 2016 Full Parish Council.

The Chair closed the meeting at 9pm

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