Planning Minutes: Monday 13th December 2021
Present: Mr Oliver; Mr Dinsdale, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Glasse and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. Apologies for Absence were received and accepted from Mr Brown, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Jack and Mr Watterson.
2. There were no declarations of interest.
3. Proposal: Demolition of existing rear lean-to extension, erection of a one and half storey rear extension, and alterations to existing side extension
12 High Street Little Eversden Cambridge
Reference: 21/05159/HFUL
Proposal: Demolition of existing rear lean-to extension, erection of a one and half storey rear extension, and alterations to existing side extension
12 High Street Little Eversden Cambridge
Reference: 21/05160/LBC
Following discussion, it was voted 5 x Support and 1 x No Recommendation. The SUPPORT vote was therefore carried with no comments.
4. Proposal: Erection of a garage and an annex/garage ancillary to main dwelling
Site address: 2 Comberton Road Little Eversden Cambridge
Reference: 21/04980/HFUL
This item was withdrawn by the Clerk as it had been decided at a previous meeting.
5. Proposal: Erection of 1 no 5 bed dwelling and Annex.
Land between 2 and 4 High Street, Great Eversden
Reference: 21/05008/FUL
Following discussion, the Parish Council felt that upon reflection the size and scale juxtaposed to a Listed building had not been addressed.
It is substantially similar to the previous application and the Parish Council take issue with the reasoning for it being moved forward and losing trees.
The Parish Council voted 4 Object and 2 No recommendation, therefore the OBJECT was carried with the above comments.
6. Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission 21/00476/OUT for the construction of a single storey dwellinghouse.
Site address: 17B High Street Great Eversden CB23 1HN
Reference: 21/05212/REM
In view of the location of the property and the large glazed aspect we request that a planning condition be imposed to protect the public views, wildlife areas and neighbouring properties from light pollution from the development. A lighting scheme should be produced, and approved by the planning officer before implementation, to avoid light spill from inside and outside the property in conformance with all relevant guidelines for glare and wavelength.
The Parish Council voted 2 objections, 4 no recommendations.
The No Recommendation vote was therefore carried.
The meeting closed at 20.28 pm.