Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Monday 6th January 2020
Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Handley.
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
It was reported that the hedge between the Rectory and Lowfields had finally been cut. Mr Dinsdale informed the meeting this was due to communication with Highways. The Clerk will pass on thanks to Simeon Carroll.
A member of the Ramblers Association informed the PC that Wimpole Hall has announced daily car parking charges of £18. This may impact on parking in the villages to escape the charge. It was resolved that the Clerk would write to Wimpole Hall for further information and seek a concession for the Ramblers Association on their meeting days.
It was requested that the Clerk contact the Tennis Club to ascertain their future plans as they had benefitted from public funds.
An update was requested regarding OSP148. The Clerk had had a conversation with SCDC before Christmas and it was still progressing. The Clerk will endeavour have a clearer update at the February meeting.
Minutes of 14 October were proposed as a true and accurate record by Mr Dalton and seconded by Mr Dinsdale. Planning of 10th November were proposed as true and accurate by Mr Dalton and seconded by Mr Dinsdale. Mrs Edwards asked for para 5c of 25th November 2019 minutes to be changed to read “Village Hall Latest Minutes were circulated. Planning permission regarding the container was questioned and the VH Committee now have to wait 21 days after notifying South Cambs of the intention to submit a planning application as they are the land owners. This was agreed. There was also a typing error on Item 12. These were both amended.
There were no Declarations of Interests.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
Confirmation of 2020 PC Meeting dates: The Council approved the dates for 2020. The Clerk will arrange publication in Tailcorn.
Light Installation in Village Hall Update: The Clerk is awaiting authorisation from SCDC as the Village Hall is a listed building.
PSPO Update: The Clerk reported that herself and Mrs Mallows had met with Emma Carter-Knight, who is the Operational Manager at SCDC for Environmental Health & Licensing. Emma explained that SCDC are planning to put in a place a District wide Public Space Preservation Order to challenge dog fouling on recreation grounds. This will involve a public consultation with all Parishes and individual parishes could be listed as having full exclusion for dogs. This is likely to be within the next 12-18 months. The Clerk stated that the Recreation Ground 2004 Deeds has the following paragraph: as far as is reasonably practicable do not allow any dogs on the Property save for guide dogs for blind people unless otherwise agreed by the Council in writing.
Emma said to encourage members of the public that witness dog fouling to report on the SCDC Environmental reporting page. These people can then be approached individually by SCDC. The link is:
Fencing was discussed at the bottom of the recreation ground to
New notices will also be put up.
The Parish Council were keen to stress that the reason behind keeping dogs off the recreation was due to the spread of diseases such as Hepatitis and Toxioplasmosis through fouling.
Fossey Land Update: Unfortunately the Fossey Trust solicitor mislaid the paperwork therefore no progress has been made. The Clerk will follow up before the next meeting.
Approval of Budget and Precept for 2020
The Precept for 2019/2020 needs to be submitted to SCDC by 20th January. The Council are on target to spend their budgeted allocation for 2018/2019. Extra spending was put into the budget for £1k for fencing on the recreation ground; £1400 for a possible 2nd defibrillator at the Village Hall, subject to approval as this is a Listed Building, £10k for the Connections Bus and £500 for street lighting. It was RESOLVED that the PC would request £29,000 for 2020.
S/4202/19/FL & S/4202/19/LB
Restoration of existing barn and conversion to residential dwelling together with new extensions and attached new outbuilding to replace existing outbuilding to form additional living space and garaging.
Springfield, 44 Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HR; P Alberry-King
The applicant was in attendance at the meeting. Following discussion Mr Dinsdale proposed to support the application, this was seconded by Ms O’Callaghan. The Parish Council RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application. Concerns were raised regarding construction traffic in Wimpole Road give the condition of the road and the amount of applications, however this has no bearing on the resolution.
S/4234/19/LB & S/4234/19/FL
Demolition of rear extension and replace with two storey rear extension, remove porch structures and chimney stack, revised windows to existing extensions, minor internal alterations
11 Chapel Road, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HP; Mr & Mrs Robbie and Lucinda Lenaghan
Following discussion Mr Dinsdale proposed to support the application, this was seconded by Ms O’Callaghan. The Parish Council RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application.Finance
Connections Bus £3393.00 LGA 1972 s.19
CCC (Street Lighting) £257.78 LGA PCA 1957 s.3
J Sutton (Telephone Box) £60.00 LGA PCA 1957 s.51
Cambridgeshire ACRE Subscription £57.00 LGA 1972 s.143(1)
All payments were approved.
Email received regarding Tree Plantation at the top of Wimpole Road.
The landowner has recently fenced of his land from public access. Concerns were raised regarding:
- Use of barbed wire on the fencing;
- the size of the fencing along a wildlife corridor;
- the effects of a shoot on passing horses and walkers ;
- signage;
- the general safety of the footpath being compromised as a result of the fence;
It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the Rights of Way Officer at Highways to seek clarification on the above points.
District and County Councillor Reports
Neither the District nor County Councillor were in attendance. The Clerk will circulate the County Councillors latest report.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, 20th January and 3rd February and full Parish Council meeting on 17th February 2020.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9:04 pm.