Parish Council Minutes: Monday 12th April 2021

Parish Council meeting on Monday 12th April 2021 at 8:00 pm via ZOOM

Present: Mrs Glasse; Mr Brown; Mr Dalton; Mrs Edwards; Mr Dinsdale; Mr Watterson; Mrs Mallows; Mr Oliver; Ms O’Callaghan and, in the Chair, Mr Prince. Cllr Van De Weyer was also in attendance.

1. No Apologies for Absence were received.

2. Declarations of interest were given for the financial item of Cambridge Approaches from Mr Prince, Mr Dinsdale declared he would leave the meeting for the planning item of 3 High Street.

3. Mrs Mallows proposed approval of the minutes of the Full Parish Council on 22nd February 2021, this was seconded by Mr Brown and approved by the Council. Mr Brown proposed approval of planning on 8th March 2021 and this was seconded by Mr Prince and approved.

4. Mrs Mallows said that the bridge going across the public footpath at 32 Wimpole Road has a plank of wood broken, making it very dangerous. Mrs Mallows will report this on the Highways Reporting website and the Clerk will email the landowner. The gate at the East end of the Fossey Trust land is not closing and is a Health and Safety hazard. The Clerk will arrange for it to be fixed.

5. Matters Arising & Clerks Report
a. Asset of Community Value Update. The Clerk reported the Hoops has been accepted as an ACV. Thanks to all who sent in testimonials for this to be successful.
b. Update on Dog Waste Bins: To install new bins at Lowfields and St Marys and also to move the bin at Wimpole Road would be a cost of £345. The Council would service the bins fortnightly. It was agreed that extra bin capacity would be a good idea given the extra walkers in the Village. Mr Brown proposed that we fund the three bins. This was seconded by Mr Dinsdale and unanimously approved by the Council.
c. Approve Clerks Training. The Clerk began the CiLCA qualifications and they have changed the portal where you upload the evidence. The Clerk asked for permission to undertake the course at £120 on 21/4/21. This was unanimously agreed.
d. Timeline for Completion of Annual Return: The Clerk informed the Council that the Annual Return needs to be by submitted by 2nd July 2021.
e. Future of Online Meetings after May 2021. The Clerk has spoken to the VH and we can use the large meeting room as they have a risk assessment for 10 people. The Chair suggested we move to the minimum 3 meetings per year and have zoom sub meetings in between. The Clerk will check with CAPALC if we can legally hold planning meetings via zoom as they are consultation decisions. Cllr Van de Weyer said it was important that the PC continued to make comments on the planning applications as these can be fed into the process.
It was agreed to re-look at dates for June, September and November dates and add block voting to the next agenda for payments. The Council voted to support the proposal by the Chair for 3 minimum meetings and sub meetings in between, subject to keeping this under reviews. If we need an emergency meeting then we can have a pre zoom meeting and then a quorate face to face meeting.
f. Bank Card Update. The Clerk informed the Council that the current bank account does not allow a bank card. We therefore need to look into further pre-payment card options. The Clerk will check and see if other local PC’s use anything similar
g. Fossey Field: It was agreed we needed a maintenance contract for the Field and the Chair has requested information from Orwell who have gone through the same process. The Clerk had circulated a document from a expert resident and it was agreed that Mrs Mallows will contact him to take forward his suggestions at next meeting.
h. Bus Shelter Repairs Update. The Clerk has contacted two contractors but received very expensive quotes. Mr Brown suggested contacting Carl Cutmore in the Village to obtain a quotation. Mr Brown will take this forward.

6. Questionnaire from Vision ICT regarding new website and emails. The Chair will look at other local websites and give ideas to the Council by the next meeting on colour, format of email etc.

7. Request to investigate Ditch Drainage issues around the Village
a. Village Hall
b. High Street, Great Eversden corner
c. Allotments

Clerk will look follow up each request individually with either Simeon Carroll at Highways and also look at the organisation chart that Cllr Nieto sent round recently.

8. Planning
Reference: 21/00032/FUL Amendment
Proposal: Demolition of existing house and construction of two new 5 bedroom houses along with garages, driveways, landscaping and laying of services
Site address: Plough Corner 3 High Street Little Eversden

The amendment shows the windows smaller and taken some velux windows out from the back in light with comments from the Sustainability Officer.
The Council voted to support the reduction of size of windows but still object to the overall size and scale of the development.

Reference: 21/00944/HFUL
Proposal: Two storey side extension and new garage
Site address: 13A Finchs Field Little Eversden CB23 1HG

Mrs Mallows declined to vote as she lives in Finches Field. The Clerk read the comment on the portal from the applicants. They are looking to revamp the property to make into a family home and make it more visually appealing. The Council voted to SUPPORT the recommendations with the comments that the neighbouring properties should be fully consulted on light and overlooking of the garden.

9. Finance
Cambridge Approaches £5000.00 LGA 1972 s.137
Zurich Insurance £1681.34 LGA 1972 s.111
CAPALC Affiliation Fees £392.53 LGA 1972 s.142
Clerks Payment £365.40 LGA 1972 s.112
All payments were agreed unanimously.

10. No further correspondence was received.

11. County & District Councillor Reports

Cllr Van De Weyer said SCDC has now calculated their building supply and they have 6.1 years of land so we have the confidence to apply the policies in the Local Plan. He said there was lots of Covid work still ongoing and supporting community groups and business grants. Cllr Van de Weyer indicated that the budget has also been set, and proportion is gained from investment property.

12. Next meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 26th April 2021, Annual Parish Council meeting, Tuesday 4th May.

The Chair closed the meeting at 21.37 pm.

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