PC Minutes: 21st September 2015


Present:           Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Mrs Hoar, Mr Prince, Mrs Pritchard, and in the Chair, Mr Tebbit

Apologies: Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Webster, Cllr Page

The minutes of 10th August were approved as a correct record, proposed by Mr Dalton and seconded by Mr Dinsdale.

Open Forum for Public Participation

A member of the public gallery asked if there were any plans to update/improve the park. Mrs Glasse replied that there were plans to update the park in in terms of 12-18 yr. old apparatus but no plans for the children’s playground, except spraying the weeds. There were also tentative plans for a new pavilion. Mrs Glasse added that new members were always welcome on the Recreation Ground Committee.

The question of street lighting was raised by a member of the public new to the area. Mr Dalton explained that some years ago the Village was divided between those who wanted street lighting and those who didn’t. A referendum was held and those who wanted the lights had them and those that declined, didn’t.

It was requested that the new 2016 Parish Council meeting dates be copied to Rev Fraser to avoid overlap.

Mr Prince said that on match days at the Recreation Ground, parking in Bucks Lane made emergency access, if required, impossible. Mr Tebbit offered to cut the hedges and verges on the Recreation Ground side to relieve the problem.

Declaration of Interests

Mr Tebbit declared an Interest in 5f and Mr Prince declared at Interest in Item 10 regarding the Tennis Club.

Matters Arising and Clerks Report

The Clerk highlighted correspondence from Mr Archer at the Firework Factory at Marsh Close. Due to new regulation he expected the factory to close in 2017 and wished to keep the Parish Council informed of future development.

Hedge at Lowfields: The Clerk had contacted Mr Bullen, the owner who had indicated he would remove the hedge completely. Mr Tebbit followed up the call as residents and the Parish Council didn’t want to see the hedge removed. Mr Bullen suggested he may coppice the hedge instead. It was pointed out that planning permission is required to destroy a hedge that is more that 20 metres long and more than 30 years old.

Mr Tebbit reported that he had received correspondence from Mrs Probert (Church Lane, Little Eversden) regarding 3 self-set trees, a Hawthorne which had set into the stone and 2 others towards the road. As these were self-set and had no preservation order Mr Tebbit informed the owner that the Parish Council had no view on removal. The owner will speak to neighbours before removal.

The new Speedwatch signage at either end of the Villages in now in place. The Clerk had received an email from Wimpole regarding sharing the cost of purchasing equipment. Mr Tebbit reported that Livia Fraser had also had an expression of interest from Harlton. This would reduce the cost to £866 per council. The Clerk will contact Livia Fraser to gain permission to give her details to Wimpole.

The Clerk reported that the January payment, as well as the August payment had still not been received from the WEEE recycling collection. The Clerk has forwarded both bills again and will contact other Parish Council to ascertain if they were paid promptly.

Public Rights of Way Grass Cutting
Following discussion it was agreed the Clerk would ask Cambridgeshire County Council to cut the following footpaths:

FP 27 it leaves Manor Farm.
FP 25 towards the A603 behind Little Eversden Church – it was agreed however not to report this as Edd Banks cuts this regularly.
FP 15 between 5 Gables Farm and Edgars Cottage.
Mr Woods asked that his field by excluded from cutting.

War Memorial – The Clerk reported that she is in discussion with A W Cook regarding taking the project forward.

LHI Funding – Footpaths.It was agreed that we should submit a bid for the resurfacing of the footpaths from Little Eversden High Street to the A603. If successful we are able to use the S106 money to pay the 10%. The Clerk will complete the paperwork with the help of Mr Dinsdale and Mrs Hoar will provide photographs.

Village Sign
Mr Tebbit asked for volunteers, at a time to be specified, over the next couple of week to help wire brush the Village Sign post before the sign is returned.

South Cambs Police – Solution to Problem Parking

The Council concluded there was no problem with parking in the Village.

Tennis Club Request for Parish Council Representation

In line with the Tennis Club’s Constitution, a Parish Council representatives is required on the Committee. Mr Prince had been approached as his son regularly played tennis with the club. He was happy to stand. Mr Woods reported there are currently 34 members, age 2-13 years and the club has benefited from a professional coach this season. The Parish Council unanimously agreed that Mr Prince should join the Committee.

Parish Council Dates for 2016

The draft dates, circulated by Mrs Handley, were agreed.


PKF Littlejohn                                                  £240.00           LGA 1972 s111(i)
Bourn Parish Council                                      £74.32             LGA 1972 s101
(Contribution towards traffic consultants report)


S/2232/15/LD  8 Bucks Lane, Little Eversden

Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of shed with concrete hardstanding. The plans were circulated, and explained by Matt Prince, although there was no decision and was purely for information only.

Correspondence Received

The Clerk circulated the table detailing the recent correspondence.

Report from Councillor Page & Councillor Kindersley

Mr Page sent his apologies and no report. Councillor Kindersley sent his apologies and an email report which the Clerk will circulate.

Next Meetings

Planning 5th October and 19th October if required. Full Parish Council meeting on Monday 2nd November 2015.

The Chair closed the meeting at 9 pm.

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