Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 8th March 2021
Planning meeting held via Zoom on Monday 8th March 20201 at 8 pm
Present: Mr Brown, Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mr Oliver, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Mallows and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Watterson.
2. Mr Prince declared an interest in Item 4.
3. Reference: 21/00476/OUT Proposal: Outline planning for the construction of a single storey dwelling house with some matters reserved except for access.
Site address: Land At 17B High Street Great Eversden Cambridge
The applicants said they wanted a single storey dwelling with two bedrooms to enable them to downsize. It was proposed to support the application as no objections had been raised from the extensive list of neighbours consulted. The Council voted unanimously in favour of supporting the application.
4. We have allocated £150 for East West Rail Leaflets, however as Government is not supporting leafletting currently EWR would like to transfer the money towards online surveys. They can only read 40 responses but in order to read more they need to pay £99. EWR are not requesting more money just to divert funds to online surveys. It was unanimously agreed to support the diversion of funds.
5. Payment to Cllr Dinsdale for EWR Leaflets £49.33 LGA 1972 s.137
The payment was agreed.
The Chair closed the meeting at 20.19 pm.