With spring here and summer just around the corner, it is a perfect time to walk the lovely footpaths around the villages, although we currently need to be mindful of the nesting season where trees and hedges are adjacent to the footpaths.
I have been walking virtually all the Great and Little footpaths in an effort to ensure that they are safe for walkers.
With that in mind I have reported a small number of footpaths to the Rights of Way Officer at South Cambs which have shown to be a cause for concern.
Without carrying a map at all times it can be quite hard to recognise the precise route of a footpath as there seems to be very little signage. I’m hoping that in contacting the landowners, some will help with signage.
If anyone has any problems with a footpath whether it be an unsafe surface, overhanging or fallen trees, hedging or fencing that it dangerous, this can be reported direct to the Rights of Way Officer online, or contact myself, with as much detail as possible so that I can report it.
If you want to report a specific footpath, you can find most of the numbers on the Eversdens map above or on the Eversdens web site at:
follow the instructions below to report to Cambridgeshire Council direct:
From the various drop-down menus that follow:
∙ Click on ‘Travel, Roads and Parking
∙ Click on Roads and Pathways
∙ Click on Report a Highways Fault
∙ Scroll down to Report a Highways Fault Online
∙ Click Continue
∙ A map will appear – enter the parish (i.e. Great Eversden or Little Eversden) and click your choice from the menu, and it will zoom in
∙ Using the + to enlarge, and moving the map with your mouse, you can see the footpaths marked in purple.
∙ Click on the area roughly you want to report and a drop down form will appear on the left hand side ‘Report a Problem’
∙ Complete the details, upload a photo if you have one and submit.
The Rights of Way Officer will contact you regarding your report.
It sounds complicated, but once you’ve navigated it, it’s easy!
Having reported a problem, the officer will investigate if necessary and carry out any necessary work.
Once the nesting season is over, it would be appreciated if the hedges could be trimmed back by the adjoining householders/landowners, and the paths cleared of debris.
Having been a dog sitter during the past week or so, it has saddened me to see so much dog excrement is left on the paths and verges, and even hanging in bags in trees and bushes.
There are at least 7 dog bins throughout Great and Little so there are no excuses to just leave it. Dog bins are situated as the map below, plus 2 additional bins at the bottom of Lowfields and at the footpath beside the church in Great.
Although not a dedicated footpath, there is excrement in the walkways of the Fossey Field (opposite the church)…. This is a field for everyone to enjoy, not just dog walkers, so if your dog decides that it needs to poo — please pick it up. Within a few yards of the Fossey Field there are bins – Bucks Lane, at the Recreation Ground and at the Church.
If you have a dog – you are responsible for it, responsible owners should act responsibly, keep their dogs under control at all times, AND pick up, bag and deposit all poo in the dedicated bins!
It’s my aim to make sure that all our local footpaths are useable and not falling into disrepair.
Please do try to help preserve these important footpaths, they are very much a part of our heritage, and need our help.
Cathie Mallows
Parish Council Footpaths Officer