Parish Council Minutes: Monday 14th January 2019
Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Oliver, Mr Prince, Mr Watterson, Mrs Mallows and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.
District Council, Aidan Van de Weyer sent his apologies.
There were no issues raised from the Open Forum for Public Participation.
The minutes of Monday 26th November 2018 were recorded as a true and accurate record. It was requested that the Clerk recirculate the Financial Declarations for completion.
There were no Declarations of Interest
Coption of New Parish Councillor – Helen Edwards had put her name forward for the vacancy of Parish Councillor. Although Helen is a Little Eversden resident the Councillor vacancy is to cover Great. The Council were unanimous that Helen was co-opted onto the Council with immediate effect.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
- OSP148 Planning Committee Update – It was agreed that the Chair would speak on behalf of the Council at the forthcoming planning committee. However it was agreed that the Chair would speak informing the meeting that these were not the unanimous views of the Council and there were strong negative views in Great Eversden to the devleopment.
- Feedback on PC Liaison Forum – Having attended the meeting Mr Prince reported that the main concern to Parish Councils would be that due to cuts in budgets costs will be passed down to Parish Councils to pick up.
- Discussion and vote on Fossey Trust response – The Fossey Trust have in mind a long lease for a token rent. It was agreed that the Clerk would write back asking what type of development would be permitted and also who would be responsible for both liability and maintenance.
Budget and Precept
Vote on request for an extra £2k from Village Hall for improvements.
Helen Edwards said that the Nixons Hall money had been used on the damp-proofing and repairs the additional request was for decorating and making good. It was agreed to add a further £2k to the budget. Vote on request to submit plans for “new build” to SCDC Planning and costs. It was agreed that the Parish Council would submit the plans for the new building at a cost of £693.00.
Once all the changes had been forecast into the budgets it was agreed to increase the Precept request for 2018-2019 from £26458 to £28,000.
Request for monetary contribution to Bikeability Training
After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would contact Meridian Primary to see how many Year 6 children from Eversden would benefit from the bikeability training. A donation figure could then be agreed.
Request from Cycle Working Group to open up the working group to include members of the public.
It was agreed that the working group could invite members of the public to participate.
Greater Cambridge Draft Housing Strategy: Discussion surrounding completion of survey as a Parish Council
It was agreed given the nature of the survey it would be difficult to submit a Council response. Councillors will therefore reply individually.
Neighbourhood Plan – Debate the pros and cons of a Neighbourhood Plan and combining both Parishes into one. It was agreed after much discussion that if possible, the late John White’s survey should be recirculated, and it bought back for further discussion.
Single Storey Side Extension
2 Ivetts Close, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1YL
Mr & Mrs John, Orosa
3, Ivetts Close, Great Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1YL
Single storey rear extension replacing conservatory and rear single storey extension
Mr & Mrs Webb
Both applications of Nos 2 and 3 Ivetts Close attended the meeting. They informed the meeting that the plans did not impact on any other residents within the close except each other. Following discussion ith was unanimously agreed to SUPPORT both applications.
Change of use of existing farm access from agricultural land to residential use and Construction of detached Double Garage and Store, with Gym/Games Room in roof space
28 Lowfields, Little Eversden, CB23 1HJ
Mr Geering
The plans were discussed and it was agreed to OBJECT to the farm track access on the same ground as the previous plans, of scale and harm to neighbouring properties
Connections Bus £2832.50 LGA 1972 s.19
It was agreed to pay the final invoice for Recreation Ground Equipment
Action Play and Leisure £11561.06 LGA 1972 Sch 14, Para 27
No further correspondence was received.
Neither Cllr Joseph nor Cllr Van de Weyer attended the meeting.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, 28 January and 11th February 2019 and next full PC meeting Monday 25th February 2019.
The chair closed the meeting at 9:17 pm.