Annual Parish Meeting: 9th May 2016
8 PM
Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Mr O’Callaghan, Mr Prince.
Apologies were accepted from Mr Dalton and the outgoing Chair, Mr Tebbit.
Election of Officers
1. Mr Prince was proposed by Mr Dinsdale and seconded by Mrs Glasse. Voting was unanimous in electing Mr Prince as the new Chairman.
2. Mr Prince proposed Mrs Handley to continue as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Mr Dinsdale. Mrs Handley agreed to continue for a further 12 months in the interest of continuity. The Council voted unanimously to re-elect Mrs Handley.
3. It was resolved that the Clerk would continue as Responsible Financial Officer.
4. The Clerk informed the meeting that Mr Tony Richford was content to stand as Internal Auditor for 2016/2017.
Election of Representatives
5. It was resolved that the following would be representatives for the coming year:
Village Hall Mr Clive Dalton
Recreation Ground Mrs Sue Glasse
Village Sign Mr Derek Blatch
Footpaths Mr Clive Dalton
Tennis Club Mr Matt Prince
Parochial Church Council The Clerk will speak to Rev Fraser as the Council no longer has an active member of the PCC.
Approve Minutes of Last Meeting
6. Mr Dinsdale proposed that the minutes of 4th April 2016 be recorded as a true and accurate record. Mrs Handley seconded the proposed. It was resolved that the minutes be agreed.
Open Forum for Public Participation.
7. There were no comments from the public.
Declarations of Interest
8. There were no declarations of interest.
9. Matters Arising
a) 23 High Street, Little Eversden
The Council had received correspondence from Mr Otter, the developer at 23 High Street, reporting flooding to the site. The previous Chair and members of the Parish Council had investigated and the Clerk will send a final reply to Mr Otter.
b) Defibrillator
The Clerk reported that the Defibrillator and cabinet had been delivered and was currently stored in Mr Tebbit’s barn. Once the supporting paperwork had arrived the Clerk will speak to Mr Blatch to arrange installation.
c) OSP 148
The Clerk reported that SCDC Solicitors were finalising documentation and the development was moving slowly ahead.
d) CiLCA
The Clerk reported that she had started the CiLCA course. She explained the qualification requirements and workload involved and the Council resolved to support the Clerk in her learning outcome.
10. It was resolved that all payments were authorised.
Connections Bus (Jan-Mar) £2250.00 LGA 1972 s.19
Clerks Salary & Expenses £630.13 LGA 1972 s.112(2)
CAPALC Membership Fees £265.71 LGA 1972 s.142(i)
Accounts for 2015/2016
11. The Accounts for 2015/2016 were approved for submission to the External Auditor.
12. Planning
a) S/0871/16/DC – 46 High Street, Great Eversden
Discharge of Condition 3 – For Information Only
b) S/0992/16/FL – New 3 bedroom single storey dwelling at the rear of 11 Finch’s Field, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HG
The Parish Council resolved to “REFUSE” the application based on the original comments submitted against the 2 bedroom development (S/0920/15/FL) and added:
➢ We do not believe this is sustainable and do not feel the appeal grounds were valid.
➢ The neighbours, Parish Council and District Council have all objected to the development;
➢ A 3 bedroom property on the site will increase density and access problems;
➢ Since the previous application there have been problems with water logging on an adjacent building development.
13. There was no further correspondence other than previously circulated.
Councillor Reports
14. No report was received from Cllr Kindersley.
15. Mr Prince welcomed our newly elected District Councillor, Mr Doug Cattermole, to the meeting. Mr Cattermole gave no report but looks forward to future meetings.
16. Next Meetings
Planning, if required, Monday 23rd May and 6th June and Full Parish Council on Monday 20th June at 8 pm.