Planning Minutes: Monday 23rd September 2019

Minutes of Planning meeting held in the Pavilion on Monday 23rd September 2019 at 8 pm


Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Oliver and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

 Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Watterson.

Declarations of Interest were received from Mrs Glasse re Item No 3.

Eversden Recreation Ground, Harlton Road, Little Eversden, CB23 1HL
Demolition of existing sports pavilion and building new sports pavilion.
Revised plans and layout

Amended plans regarding reducing the car parking spaces from 54 to 45 and introducing landscaping buffers had been received by the Clerk.  These changes were unanimously supported by the Council.  Further discussions regarding other outstanding issues were abandoned until the Clerk had received clarification from the planning officer that these needed decision.

Land south of 55 Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HD
I Purkiss, Blues Property Ltd, c/o agent
Erection of a detached 2 storey dwelling with new access onto Harlton Road

After discussion it was proposed to SUPPORT the application.  This was carried by majority with the comments that cars should leave the property going forward as opposed to reversing onto the road due to the bend and as many trees as possible should be preserved.

Correspondence received regarding outline planning notification in respect of Marsh Close.   Mr Archer had emailed the Clerk to inform the PC that he had submitted an outline planning application for eight homes on the factory site at Marsh Close.  The application itself is solely for ‘market’ homes but it comes with an offer of 0.25Ha of adjacent land for use for an affordable or community development. He was keen to be made aware of any concerns of the local community so that he could address them before making the full application.  The Clerk would reply to Mr Archer thanking him for the information and informing him that the Council had no further comments to make at this time.

There were no further planning applications received after the published agenda.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:30 pm.


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