PC Minutes – Monday 25th July 2016


Present: Ms Alexander, Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Handley, Mrs Glasse, Dr Sinnett-Smith, Dr Russell and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

1. Apologies: Ms O’Callaghan

2. The minutes of the full Parish Council on 4th July and the Planning Minutes of the 20th July were approved and signed as correct.

3. Open Forum for Public Participation
There were no subjects raised from the Public gallery.

4. Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations of interest.

5. Matters Arising
a) Harlton Road Verges – The Clerk reported that the verges had been reported and were quickly cut.

b) A603 Wheatsheaf Junction Update – The Clerk reported that contact had been made with Harlton Parish Council, County and District Councillors and Highways. The Clerk needs to follow up with the Road Safety team and find the correct contact before proceeding with a meeting.

6. Planning
a) S/1689/16/PA Land at 9 Chapel Road, Gt Eversden, CB23 1HP
Following discussion Mr Dalton proposed that the plans were supported with no comments. Mrs Glasse seconded the proposal. It was RESOLVED to unanimously to support the proposal.

b) S/1099/16/LB Star’s Cottage, 12 High Street, Little Eversden
Following discussion Mr Dinsdale proposed that the plans were supported with no comments. Dr Russell seconded the proposal. It was RESOLVED to unanimously to support the proposal.

7. Greater Cambridge City Deal
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Dinsdale would follow up with Comberton Parish Council regarding the GCCD request and this would be added to the Planning meeting agenda on Monday 8th for further discussion.

8. Revision of Emergency Planning Measures
Cllr Handley presented the item and asked Councillors to update their details. Cllr Sinnett-Smith asked what the procedures were in the event of an emergency. Cllr Handley informed the meeting that very little had been put in place past the telephone tree. It was RESOLVED that Dr Sinnett-Smith will take forward the Emergency Plan with the assistance of the Clerk.

9. Royston Lane
The Clerk had been approached by a Councillor from Comberton Parish Council at the suggestion of Cllr Kindersley. Comberton are discussing reducing the speed limit within Royston Lane, which partly lies with the Eversdens Parish. Cllr Prince proposed that the Council support Comberton in their endeavour to reduce the speed limit initially. This was seconded by Cllr Russell. It was RESOLVED to initially support Comberton.

10. Finance
The Clerk informed the meeting that the SLCC/NALC Pay Award had been agreed, back dated to April 2016 at 1%.

Mrs Karen Easey Salary £353.04
The published figure was incorrect, a further £26.61 need to be added for the telephone calls making the total £379.65 LGA 1972 s.112 (2)
Staples Printer Ink £31.99 LGA 1972 s.226

11. Correspondence
The Clerk informed the meeting that a letter had been received regarding LED Street Lighting. Cllr Dalton will investigate and report back at the September meeting.

Cllr Glasse asked that the updated Pavilion Plans were added to the September agenda.

12. Report from County and District Councillors

Cllr Doug Cattermole – District Councillor

Council meeting 28th June
This was a special meeting held to discuss the proposals on devolution. The recommendation on the table was for an elected mayor for Cambridge and Peterborough. This would be an extra layer of local government sitting above seven local councils (including Cambridge County and South Cambs Councils) and the local enterprise Partnership. It would be formulated as a Mayoral Combined Authority with the heads of the Councils and LEP sitting with the Mayor in the Authority.

The government will provide £70m for housing and an additional £20m per year for infrastructure.

The document outlining the proposal contained a review of other options, one of which was a Combined Authority without the mayor. This option was debated and the Council voted to proceed with the recommended approach with the elected mayor.

Details of the public consultation were included in the documentation with the majority of responses being against the introduction of an elected mayor.

Cllr Cattermole voted against the proposal as he felt that the documentation didn’t detail enough the costs and benefits of the recommendations. The cost of the new Authority will be borne by the constituent councils. The Authority would operate with a number of committees and additional officers and there were not budget figures provided for this new organisation.

Whilst the extra money for housing is welcome, there were no details of how this would be apportioned over the area of the new Authority.

A formal public consultation is now underway on the proposal and will be open until 23 August. The survey can be found at http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/devolutionsurvey

Housing under the City Deal
One of the provisions of the City Deal was the commitment to 1,000 extra houses. These were to be delivered on Rural Exception Sites in South Cambs thereby providing affordable housing for local people. However, last week the commitment was redefined to include all sites not in the Local Plan. This means that all houses on non-Local Plan sites will now be covered and this includes speculative non-affordable houses.

Grosvenor Sporting Village
Grosvenor estates is expected to table a planning application for a sporting village and stadium plus housing on the green belt in Trumpington. Part of the development will be on Haslingfield Parish Council land.

There will be a public briefing at 9.30 on 20th July in the Guildhall – this has now been deferred.

Cllr Sebastian Kindersley
County Councillor

Cllr Kindersley followed on from Cllr Cattermole’s information on the Sporting Village but adding that 99% is in the Haslingfield Parish.

He went on to encourage the Council to respond to both consultations on the City Deal and Devolution.

Cllr Kindersley said he attended the Planning Committee at the County Council to decide on the application from Vetspeed to build a 30m tall chimney. It was opposed by the Imperial War Museum, however planning permission was granted. Planning consent will not be issued until the secretary of State has reviewed the case.

We are all aware of the pressures from development in this area. None more so that the impact on Schools. Based on current understanding of growth of existing and new communities, the projected number of new schools required – just in Cambridgeshire! – over the next 15 years is 42! 26 primary schools, 12 secondary and 4 special schools will need to be provided – that’s quite something. The new town at Northstowe will be the largest new settlement since Milton Keynes and will include: 1 secondary school (1800 places, opening approx. 2019), 6 primary schools (first opening 2017) and an area special school. A member of the public gallery asked whether any new hospitals were to be considered for new developments. Cllr Kindersley reported that unfortunately not, although Barrington are giving some of their S106 money to Harston surgery for possible expansion.

Following a comment regarding public transport Cllr Kindersley will endeavour to remind residents about demand responsible transport.

Cllr Kindersley also reported that Jean Hunter, Chief Executive of South Cambs District Council is leaving.

13. Next Meetings
Planning on Monday 8th August 2016 and Monday 22nd August, if required, and Full Parish Council on Monday 5th Septemer.

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