Planning Meeting Minutes: Monday 11th February 2019

MINUTES OF PLANNING meeting on Monday 11th February 2019 at 8 pm in the Pavilion.

Present: Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mrs Glasse, Mr Oliver, Mr Prince, Mrs Edwards, Ms O Callaghan and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.

 Apologies for Absence received from Mr Stephen Watterson.

There were no declarations of Interest

Variation of Condition 2, (Plans) 10, (Soakaway Drainage) and 13 (Car Parking layout) of planning permission S/2512/15/FL
12 Church Lane, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HQ
Mr T Banks, Eversden Construction Ltd

Following discussion Mr Dinsdale proposed to APPROVE subject to the condition that the plot to the East remains agricultural and no further development takes place.  This was seconded by Ms O’Callaghan.  This proposal was carried.

However on further examination of both sets of plans it appeared that the current application was inconsistent in relation to the positioning of the silos, it was therefore difficult to uphold the earlier proposal.

The clerk will contact the Planning Officer and request further plans to bring back to the meeting on Monday 25th February.

Change of use from grazing land to private use riding arena with surrounding timber fence
Church Barn, 15 , Church Lane, Little Eversden, CB23 1HQ
Mr & Mrs Caley

The Council voted to OBJECT to this proposal as planning consent cannot be granted until the handling Eversden footpath 25 has been decided, as the Footpath runs right through the middle of the proposed plans.  Two gates either need to be provided or the footpath moved.

Any other planning applications that arrive after the published date.

The Chair informed the meeting of a change in access to the community access and the boundary of Footpath 22.  Further information will follow in Tailcorn.


Mrs Karen Easey
Parish Clerk

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