Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda: Monday 20th May 2019
ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to the ANNUAL MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL in the Pavilion on Monday 20th May 2019 at 8:00 pm
1.. Election of Officers
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Responsible Financial Officer, Internal Auditor
2. Election of Representatives
Village Hall; Parochial Church Council, Recreation Ground; Village Sign; Footpaths
3. Approve Minutes of the meeting 8th April 2019;
4. Presentation by Mark Deas, Cambridgeshire ACRE on recent Housing Needs Survey results.
5. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
6. Declarations of interest
7. Matters Arising & Clerks Report
- Connection Bus Decision for Autumn 2019
- Bikeability Training
- Fossey Trust
8. Approve Annual Governance Statements for 2018/2019
9. Planning
Merry’s Farm House
17 Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HR
Mr Tom Jack
Any other plans received after the published agenda.
10. Finance
CVC Swimming Pool £50 PHA 1936 s.221
CAPALC Affiliation Fee £351.55 LGA 11972 s.142(i)
Clerks Payment £TBC
Any other payments received after the publication of the agenda.
11. Correspondence
12. County and District Councillor Reports
13. Next meetings: Monday 3rd & 17th June, Planning if required and Monday 1st July, Full Parish Council.