Unconfirmed Parish Council Meeting Minutes: Monday 14th October 2019


Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Handley, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows, Mr Oliver, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince.

Apologies for absence were received from Ms O’Callaghan and Mrs Edwards.


Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)

It was reported that there had been an incident of vandalism at the Pavilion on Thursday evening.  The offenders had sprayed paint inside and out, including the defibrillator and had set light to aerosols and fire extinguishers.  The matter had been reported to the Police and forensic evidence taken as well as the CCTV for investigation.  An earlier break in had seen the door broken and the Pavilion used as a meeting point with remnants of illegal substances being smoked inside.

The Rec Committee informed the meeting that “No Dog” signs had been put up around the entrances to the Rec and blatantly ignored by residents with dogs.  Dog and human excrement has also been found on the rec.  An advert is being put in Tailcorn together with a map of the dog bins.  The Rec has asked if the PC will find proper metal signage.  The Clerk will investigate costings and add to the next agenda for discussion.  Mrs Mallows and the Clerk will discuss the legality of enforcing the ban of dogs.

The minutes of 2nd September and planning minutes of 23rd September were recorded as a true and accurate record.

Declarations of Interest: Councillors returned their Financial and Other Declarations. Outstanding copies will be bought to the next meeting.

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

    1. Fossey Trust Update – unfortunately due to a miscommunication in the acceptance of the terms of the lease, the Fossey Trust has only this week instructed their Solicitors to proceed.
    2. Street Lighting Update – Mr Dinsdale is liaising with various energy companies, however SCDC have confirmed they will continue to pay until the takeover is complete.
    3. Joint Working Group Meeting – the meeting took place and there was acknowledgement that existing plans can be used and worked on for a “bolt on” for phase 2 of the community hub.  Any further amendment emails should be copied to the Clerk to disseminate to the PC as the applicant.  The meeting agreed it would be destructive to abandon the first phase and once planning permission has been received a new working group can be set up.
    4. Update on Recreation Ground Constitution – The Recreation Ground informed the meeting that the Constitution had been sent to the Charity Commission to update by reducing PC members from 3:1.  The Chair stated it had been agreed to circulate the updated Constitution to the Clerk and then she would circulate it to the PC, this had not happened and the Chair pressed for a copy within 48 hours.  Mrs Glasse asked that it be recorded that she disliked the tone in which she was being asked to provide the Constitution.  The Chair asked for it to be minuted that this was a requirement under the Constitution and it had not been done, he was therefore upset by the behaviour of the Recreation Ground Committee.

Recreation Ground and Village Hall Minutes

There had been no Village Hall meeting since the last and the Recreation Ground minutes were circulated.

Expiry of Asset of Community Value Listing: The Hoops Tandoori, 2 High Street, Great Eversden.

The Clerk will complete the nomination form to renew the ACV for the above asset and also check if the current Caravan Sales land on the A603/Harlton Road junction can be added.

Intended Public Payphone Removal.

It was agreed that the Clerk would contact SCDC regarding the payphone as lack of usage could be due to it being unable to accept cash or make calls.  As a last resort the PC would still like to adopt the box for £1.


12 Harlton Road, Little Eversden, CB23 1HB
Mr & Mrs Martin
Single storey rear orangery extension with glass roof lantern

Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to SUPPORT the application with no comments.

Fireworks Store, Comberton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1EW
Tom Archer

Outline planning permission for the erection of 8 dwellings with all matters reserved.

The fireworks factory plans for Marsh Close were discussed, the applicant was in attendance.  He discussed his reasons for the plans and also offered the Parish Council ¼ hectare of land for social housing should his plans be passed.  He will follow this up in writing and copy to SCDC for transparency.

The outline planning suggested that there was a bus route on the A603, however is was pointed out that the nearest stop was at the Harlton Road, A603 junction.  It was also stated that there was a safe route to school in Comberton. The Council disagreed as there is no footpath on the narrow, bendy country road.  If planning were granted a condition would need to be implemented by Highways given the condition of the road.

It was commented that this was an unsustainable hamlet that would be isolated and not well placed to be supported by the Eversdens community.

On voting 2 were in favour of support, one objection and 5 no recommendation. It was RESOLVED no recommendation with the majority with comments re safe route and lack of buses.

The Clerk informed the meeting that the second half of the precept had been received of £14,000 and the VAT reclamation of 4729.91 had also been received.

PKF Littlejohn                                    E240.00                               LGA 1972 s.111(i)
Clerks Salary & Expenses               £446.34TBC                       LGA 1972 s(112.2)
Both payments were approved by the Council.


An email had been received regarding the bench seat in Little Eversden bus shelter being very wobbly.  The Chair agreed to mend.

The Clerk had received correspondence requesting the PC become supporters of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Against Scams Partnership (CAPASP).  The PC agreed and an article will be placed in Tailcorn.

Information had also been received regarding a Community E-bike Service for villages, with the possibility of funding from the South Cambs Zero Carbon Fund.  Nominations were due on 31 October.

District and County Councillor Reports.

Neither Councillor was in attendance, although an email report had been circulated form the County Council and the District Council will follow.

 Next Meetings: Planning meeting on Monday 28th October and 11th November, if required, and Full Parish Council on Monday 25th November 2019.

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