PC Minutes: Monday 11th December 2017

Minutes of Full Parish Council on Monday 11th December 2017 at 8 pm in the Pavilion.

Present:  Mrs Handley, Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Mallows, Mr Watterson, Mr Parmar, Mrs Glasse and in the Chair, Mr Prince.

Apologies for Absence received from Ms O’Callaghan and Dr Sinnett-Smith.

Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes).  There were no items raised under public participation.

To approve minutes of 27th November 2017.

  • The Clerk will rectify the numbering sequence which was incorrect.
  • The Clerk will contact Cam Spice to see if the Cambridge Water mobile unit can be situated there.
  • To add to Cllr Cattermole’s report in November it was noted that the consultation for the new local plan is due to start in March 2019.
  • Mrs Mallows proposed the minutes be accepted, this was seconded by Mr Dinsdale.

Declarations of Interest

Mrs Glasse, Mrs Mallows and Mr Parmar expressed an interested in the Recreation Ground.

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

  •  A member of the public had reported that the footpath signpost at Ivetts Lane had been damaged The Clerk will contact the County Council.
  • No response had been received regarding Pound Drift. The Clerk will contact Mr Tebbit.
  • The Clerk will follow up with Brian Heffernan at County regarding the ditch in Bucks Lane. It was resolved the Clerk will contact Dr Sinnett Smith and take forward the questionnaire with Mrs Mallows. It will then be circulated via email and circulated quickly.

Connections Bus

It was agreed that the Clerk will contact the Connections Bus again and engage in constructive dialogue to try and reverse the decline in numbers, otherwise there may be the possibility of stopping the bus.  It was agreed to send them the graph produced by Mr Dinsdale.  The Clerk will contact Orwell Parish Council and see if there was any fallout when they stopped the bus and whether they had a decommissining plan.   The Chair will clarify the notification period and check for a contract in the Parish Council cabinet.

Budget and Precept

It was agreed to add into the budget:

  • Training
  • £1000 for the Election in May 018
  • £600 for the LHI bid.
  • Mrs Mallows will send the Clerk a bid for increased Tailcorn Funding.
  • The Clerk will contact the Village Hall, Recreation Ground and other organisations that receive Parish Council funding to ask for accounts.


Ref: S/4182/17/FL
40, Harlton Road, Little Eversden, Cambridge, CB23 1HB
Single Storey rear and front extension, remove side/front garage/ lobby
Mr & Miss R & S Chandler/ Lawrence

Mr Dalton recommended that the plans be supported, this was seconded by Mr Prince. It was carried that the plans be APPROVED, with 6 votes in favour, one abstention and one no recommendation.

A member of the public expressed concern as to the size of the neighbouring property that had been Approved.


Balens Handbell Insurance                 £124.43           LGA 1972 s.111
Cambridgeshire ACRE Membership   £55.40             LGA 1972 143(1)
Both payments were APPROVED.

There was no further correspondence.

Next Meetings: Planning and Full Parish Council, Monday 8th January 2018

The chair closed the meeting at 8.55 pm



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