Parish Council Minutes: Monday 7th September 2020

Full Meeting of Parish Council held on Monday 7th September 2020 at 8 pm virtually via Zoom.

Present: Mr Watterson; Mrs Mallows; Mr Dalton; Ms O’Callaghan; Mr Oliver; Mr Dinsdale; Mrs Glasse and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Handley and Mrs Edwards.

2. There were no Declarations of interest.

3. The minutes of the Monday 27th July 2020 and Planning minutes of 24th August 2020. An action point to discuss light pollution was carried forward to the next meeting.

4. Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes). Please see item 6.

5. Matters Arising & Clerks Report
a) Tree Work: Village Sign

6. Reinstatement of Annual Footpath Walk and Waymarks
Mr Gough had highlighted that the annual footpath walk had now been held in recent years and asked if it could be reinstated so as to highlight footpaths that needed maintenance and also to highlight were waymarks were not in place.
It was agreed that Mr Prince, Mr Dalton and Mr Gough would liaise with a view to reinstating the walk in the Autumn and Spring, keeping social distancing. This would be promoted via Eversden online to gain volunteers and would alternate on Saturday and Sundays.

7. Intended Public Payphone Removal: The Clerk had checked if this was a new consultation following the previous one in October 2019 and confirmed it was. It was agreed to put forward the same argument as previously submitted, as follows:

The box is already an Emergency Calls only box as it will not accept any cash or cards.
Given the locality of the village and that we have no shops, schools and only one social meeting area in Great at Cam Spice, as opposed to Little, where the box is situated we would like to retain the box for emergency calls. As well as this we are in a rural location and the last consultation found limited mobile phone coverage. If an accident where to occur we would need the box to make contact with the emergency services.
Failing this the Village would like to adopt the box for £1.

8. Fossey Maintenance Contract
Following the return of the signed lease the Clerk will check the Parish Council are now the holders. It was agreed that the Clerk will investigate how to proceed with a tender for the grounds maintenance of the field and the Parish Council will consult the village on what they would like to see the field used for.

9. EWR action group – leaflet drop and expenses
Mr Watterson reported that he attended a meeting of EWR action group. The preferred route will cut straight through the area, Option E, via Toft and Kingston and the A603. There is currently a non-statutory consultation in progress. In order for people to respond to this Mr Watterson is very keen to set up a website page with all of the information including the map and documentation. It can also be promoted via EOL and Tailcorn, however the publication of document is pressing.
The Council agreed to approve £100 toward the leaflet and expenses of the action group, paid to Haslingfield PC and also set a £1,000 budget for the website and associated costs.
Cllr Van de Weyer said that there would be an impact on the surrounding countryside and indicated that the University and EWR had been in contact very recently.

10. NALC Pay Award for Clerks August 2020. The Clerk informed the Council that NALC had awarded an increase to £10.44 per hour. The Council agreed to accept the increase.

11. a) Planning Reference: 20/03629/HFUL
Proposal: Two storey side extension (following demolition of existing extension) and single storey front extension (porch).
3 Wheelers Way Little Eversden Cambridge
Following discussion it was agreed this was minor works and the Council agreed to SUPPORT with one abstention.

b) Planning Reference: 20/03148/S73
Condition 15: Wheelers Way/Close
Following the item on the last planning agenda the Clerk asked CHS the reason behind lifting the local connection condition The Cambridge Housing Society Limited is a registered social landlord and a charitable housing association helping people and communities to overcome challenges, take opportunities, and develop their ability to achieve their aspirations across Cambridgeshire.

The key areas of operation are the provision of low-cost rented and shared ownership homes; residential and domiciliary care for older people; support for young people, parents, people experiencing homelessness or mental ill-health, or with learning disabilities; and the provision of nurseries for babies and young children. Community investment activities include providing money, debt and employment advice and computer training. We also lease properties to other agencies, such as Mencap and Mind, to use in supporting their customers. We currently provide over 3,000 homes, most of which are in Cambridgeshire.

To meet the housing need in Cambridgeshire, we aim to develop c 100 new homes a year, these being a combination of affordable homes for rent and affordable home ownership.

In order to continue to develop it is necessary to regularly seek new long term funding from lenders who require security in the form of our existing homes based on valuations solely for security purposes. To allow us to continue to develop we have to seek to optimise the value for security purposes of the homes we own. That is the purpose of the variation to planning that has been submitted. The variation will have no impact on our tenants or leaseholders and nor will it cease the operation of the properties being used as affordable housing. The amendment being sought under the variation is to clarify and improve the provisions that are already contained within the documentation as opposed to introducing any major amendments. The basis of the amendments being sought are in line with those approved by the National Housing Federation and the GLA and thus are reasonable and in line with market practice.

Over time the best practice in respect of the legal structure of section 106 agreements and planning consents has changed. So this variation is required for legal purposes to enable us to use the homes in Wheeler’s Way and Wheeler’s Close as security against new funding, which will allow us to continue to build more affordable homes.”

12. Finance
Recreation Ground Precept £2500.00 PHA 1875 s.154
Recreation Ground Insurance £2400.67 PHA 1875 s.154
Final Street Lighting Invoice: CCC £295.68 LGA PCA 1957 s.3
P Mallows: Village Sign Area Cutting £100.00

Any payments were agreed.

13. Correspondence
a) Proposed Road Closure, Kingston Road: It was agreed not to object to the closure.
b) Email from Harlton Road Resident regarding speeding and haulage vehicles: Mr Dalton was asked if Speedwatch could carry out checks on Harlton Road just before the Village Sign and the Clerk will write to PX Farms regarding haulage vehicles driving through the village.
c) CCC: A603 Cambridge Road, Harlton; 50mph Speed Limit: It was agreed this was a positive improvement.

14. County & District Councillor Reports
Cllr Van de Weyer attended the meeting via Zoom and reported that the Local Plan is due to be published next week. Many of the sites submitted via landowners have now been assessed due to Covid.

SCDC are due to reopen on the 15th September by appointment only.

He reported that the Business Support Service has been working throughout the pandemic encouraging new business to South Cambs.

Cllr Nieto’s report will be circulated to Councillors via email.

15. Next meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 21st September and Monday 5th October. Full Parish Council meeting, Monday 19th October 2020.

The Chair closed the meeting at 21.53 pm.

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