PC Minutes: Monday 23rd July 2018
Present: Mr Dinsdale; Mrs Handley, Mr Prince, Mr Watterson, Mrs Glasse, Ms O’Callaghan and, in the Chair, Mr Dalton.
Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Mallows and Mr Oliver.
Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)
It was reported that as of 31st July, the 75 bus will no longer operate. It will be replaced with a new service A-B.
Parking in the laybys by residents along the stretch of Harlton Road near the Village Sign was making it difficult for deliveries to park and making visibility difficult. It was agreed the Clerk would write to all residents requesting they use their allocated parking at the back of the properties.
To approve minutes of 18th June 2018 and Planning minutes dated 2nd July 2018.
Both sets of minutes were approved and agreed as a true and accurate record.
There were no declarations of interest.
Matters Arising & Clerks Update
Village Pump
Further to the last meeting, Ms O’Callaghan was unable to find a contact to renovate the Village Pump. The Clerk, with the approval of the Council, offered the services of her husband to quote. This was agreed and a quote will be provided for both restoring the pump and an alternative of boxing it in.
Trees & Ditches on the Recreation Ground
The Clerk had forwarded all correspondence regarding the liability of the Council to our insurance company Zurich. They had replied “To confirm, as the Parish Council have no responsibility towards the ditch, they cannot be held liable should an incident occur and negligence proven.
Recreation Ground Committee Members
This item was requested by Mr Prince. He explained that following the meeting with CambsACRE it was necessary for the Recreation Ground to have 3 members of the Parish Council on their committee. Mrs Mallows is no longer a member of the Recreation Committee therefore two further members are required to meet the constitution. Mrs Glasse explained that the Rec Committee are currently in the process of changing their constitution so that 3 members are no longer required. However until this is the case Mr Dalton agreed to be a member as ex-officio Chair and in the absence of any volunteers Mr Prince was voted as third member, this was proposed by Mr Dinsdale and seconded by Mr Dalton.
Village Design Statement
SCDC have funding to deliver 6-8 Village Design Statements. Applications would be prioritised based on those that have the greatest need and where the VDS would assist in addressing the growth challenges they face. As the deadline was very tight and labour intensive including a 500 words “outlining why you think the Village Design Statement project will benefit the growth pressures your village faces in the next few years the Clerk and Chair decided it was not something we could currently enter into.
Highways Meeting
Mr Dinsdale will send minutes of the meeting with Highways to the Clerk to circulate to all Council members.
Pegasus Planning Update
The Clerk reported that following a conversation with Kate Wood at Pegasus she will come back to the Council when the plans are available for the proposed housing and tennis courts in Bucks Lane. There is no overlap with the Recreation Ground Committee proposal.
Cupboard Space at Village Hall
Mr Prince requested this agenda item. The “Chairman” filing cabinet needs to be rehoused to meet with GDPR regulations. It was suggested that it could be moved to Village Hall under the stairs if a lockable door was fitted, which Mr Prince was prepared to do. The Clerk will write to the Village Hall and request the space.
Highways Salt Bin; High Street/Harlton Road
The design of the salt bins has meant that water has got in and the content have swelled and caused the bin to split. Mr Dinsdale has informed Highways and we are currently awaiting a response.
Connections Bus
Following discussion and further data being received from Mr Dinsdale the Council unanimously RESOLVED to fund the Bus for a further term until Christmas 2018.
Recreation Ground Insurance £1948.13 LGA 1972 s.133
Clerks Salary & Expenses £549.12 LGA 1972 s.112(2)
SCDC Election Expenses £905.84 LGA 1972 s.111
District Councillor Reports: Aidan Van de Weyer
Local Plan
We are still being told that the Local Plan inspection report will be delivered to us by the end of the week. There are no signs that it will be negative about the plan.
South Cambs Council meeting
At the last meeting of South Cambs, we passed three motions:
Proposing various measures to eliminate avoidable single-use plastics from South Cambs Hall and encourage others to do so.
- Recognising the contributions that people with disabilities to the work place and seeking ways in which South Cambs can attract them.
- Asking the government to delay the rollout of Universal Credit in Cambridgeshire until we are confident that there will be no negative impacts on residents.
The new South Cambs Grants Committee is reviewing the the criteria for giving community grants. For now, the previous Community Chest scheme has been closed. Under the new system, grants will be assessed against published criteria and awarded by the new Committee, rather than the portfolio holder alone.
Mayor and Combined Authority
Following a lot of pressure from various sources (councils, businesses, the University and finally the Secretary of State), the Mayor is finally moving towards allowing the Greater Cambridge Partnership to get on with most of its work, such as a new public transport route from the South East of Cambridge directly into Addenbrooke’s. The future of the A428 busway is still not clear – that one will have to wait till September.
Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 6th August and full Parish Council meeting on Monday 20th August 2018.