Parish Council Minutes: Monday 2nd September 2019


Present: Mr Dalton, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Handley, Mrs Mallows, Mr Oliver, Mr Watterson and, in the Chair, Mr Matt Prince.

Apologies for Absence were received from Ms O’Callaghan and Mrs Glasse.

Open Forum for Public Participation (10 minutes)

The broken Wheeler’s Way sign was raised again. The Clerk informed the meeting it had been reported again on 22nd August and she would chase it up.

A member of the public was concerned that much of Banks farming land was being taken over by PX Farms following the issue earlier in the year with the pathways having to be instated.  The Council thanked the resident for the information and will make a note for future reference.

The same resident expressed they were anxious as to the future use of the Fossey Land onceit was under Parish Council control.  The Chairman informed the meeting that nothing had been decided as yet as to he uses.

To approve minutes of the 3rd June 2019 and  full minutes of 8th July 2019 and planning minutes of 12th August 2019

The minutes of the 3rd June were approved unanimously; it was agreed to change the actual names of the applicants to read “the applicant” and add that Mr Prince recused himself from the meeting.

The minutes of 8th July were approved as where the minutes of 12th August 2019.

Declarations of Interest
Register of Parish Members Financial and Other Interests

There were no declarations of interest. The Clerk circulated a new Register of Parish Members Financial and Other Interests along with Personal interest guidance.  All Councillors are to return to the Clerk at the next meeting.

Matters Arising & Clerks Update

    1. Fossey Trust Update – The Chair informed the meeting that the working party had sought 3 quotes to take forward the Fossey Trust legalities. Taylor Vinters had been chosen, although the most expensive it was due to the fact that they are rural specialists.  The information has been passed to the Fossey Trust.  The Clerk will obtain an update from Taylor Vinters of progress and circulate to the Council.
    2. Street Lighting Update – Mr Dinsdale informed the meeting that he had confirmed it is just the power that the Council has to source. SCDC will retain maintenance.  It was suggested that we could look at renewable energy.
    3. Storage Unit at Village Hall Update – Having contacted SCDC, the Clerk had received confirmation that the storage unit at the village hall required planning permission.  The Village hall have now retrospectively applied for this as the unit will be in place for 1-2 years.

Recreation Ground & Village Hall Minutes.
These had been received and the Clerk will circulate to the Council.

Nominations for the joint working party from the Recreation Ground, Village Hall and PC following meeting of all committees. 

The setting up of the working group to take forward the community hub was agreed.

The representatives from the Recreation Ground Committee will be Derek Blatch, Sue Glasse and Alan Woods.  The Recreation Committee also requested Peter Mallows attend.

The Village Hall as yet to confirm their representatives.

The Council will send Steve Dinsdale and Stephen Watterson.  The Clerk will also contact Ms O’Callaghan in her absence to see if she would like to attend.

It was agreed to have one member of the PCC as an observer and Adrian Small was to be invited to the group for his architectural help thus the numbers were uneven and so an impasse will hopefully not be reached.

It was agreed that quorate would be 2 members from each organisation with the exception of the PCC.  The first meeting should be within the next 4 weeks, before the next full Council meeting on 14th October.  The Clerk will invite participants via a doodle poll.

Connections Bus                               £1827.00                            LGA 1972 s.19
Mr M Prince – Expenses £26.95                                 LGA 1972 s.111

Both payments were approved.

The Clerk had received correspondnecne regarding “No Vehicular Access” signage at a certain point in Wimpole Road to stop vehicles driving up the hill.  The resident had spoken to Highways who had suggested a LHI bid, however the deadline for this has since past.  Although the Council could understand the reasoning behind the request they felt it would be extremely difficult to enforce.

District and County Councillor Reports
Neither the County nor District Councillor were present.

Next Meetings: Planning, if required, Monday 16th & 30th September and full Parish Council on Monday 14th October 2019.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:50 pm.

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