Monday 7th June 2021 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of PLANNING Meeting on Monday 7th June 2021 at 8:00 pm at the Recreation Ground

Present: Mrs Glasse, Mr Watterson, Mr Dinsdale, Mrs Mallows, Ms O’Callaghan and, in the Chair, Mr Prince.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Oliver.

2. 21/01842/HFUL
Conversion of existing garage to home office
4 Finchs Field Little Eversden CB23 1HG
The application appears uncontentious and on the same footprint as the existing plot, the Council unanimously agreed to SUPPORT.

3. 21/01643/LBC
Replacement of existing timber framed single glazed windows with like for like timber framed double glazed windows, replace incongruous porch roof support posts with timber (Oak) posts on brick plinths and replace the existing modern front entrance door with a hardwood heritage/traditional door.
12 High Street Little Eversden CB23 1HE
The Council raised no issues with this application and it was unanimously agreed to SUPPORT.

4. Reference: 21/01989/REM
Proposal: Application to discharge the matters reserved under Condition 1 of reference: S/2399/19/OL including: Approval of the details of the layout of the site, the scale and appearance of buildings, the means of access and landscaping (this application relates to Plot 1)
26 Wimpole Road Great Eversden Cambridgeshire

The Council voted NO RECOMMENDATION to the application.
In view of the location and scale of the property and the large glazed aspect we request that a planning condition be imposed to protect the public views, wildlife areas and neighbouring properties from light pollution from the development. A lighting scheme should be produced, and approved by the planning officer before implementation, to avoid light spill from inside and outside the property in conformance with all relevant guidelines for glare and wavelength.

5. 21/02073/FUL
Demolition of existing dilapidated dwelling and erection of a sustainable 3-bedroom home.
6 Bucks Lane Little Eversden CB23 1HL

There was disappointment that the plans were for a very modern building and did not replicat the original “cottage style”

In view of the sensitive location of the property, and in order to protect the local wildlife, a condition regarding all exterior lighting should be imposed such that the lighting scheme is approved by the planning officer before implementation to avoid light spill from the property, and all exterior lights should be in conformance
with all relevant guidelines for glare and wavelength.

Due to the large glazed area, consideration should also be given to potential light pollution from interior lighting.

It was also asked that consideration be given to consider the noise from the air source heat pump and take mitigating measures.

The Council felt consideration should be given to moving the gate back from the road so as not to allow vehicles to cause obstruction on the road and preference for a non-solid gate.

The Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.

6. 21/02125/HFUL
Attic conversion including new windows to the roof and front & side elevations
5 Wimpole Road Great Eversden CB23 1HR
The Parish Council indicated the plans did not alter the visual impact of the property and resolved to SUPPORT in the majority.

7. Disclosure of the Chair’s letter to Cllr Bridget Smith re EWR. It was agreed to invite Ms Smith to a site visit at Cllr Glasse’s home to view the possible impact of EWR at 6:30 pm before the 14th June Parish Council meeting.

8. It was unanimously agreed to ratify Mr Watterson’s reply on EWR.

The Chair closed the meeting at 9: 07 pm.

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