Planning Minutes – Monday 26th March 2018
PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING ON Monday 26th March 2018 at 8 pm in the Pavilion.
Present: Mrs Handley, Mr Watterson, Mr Dalton, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Glasse and, in the Chair, Mr Dinsdale.
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Matt Princ, Mrs Mallows and Dr Patrick Sinnett-Smith.
2. Declarations of Interest
Mr Watterson declared an interest as a neighbour of the property. Mr Watterson will not vote on the plans.
3. S/0805/18/FL
Erection of detached dwelling and garage.
Land between 2 and 4 High Street, Great Eversden
Ms R Kneale
The Chair opened the floor for comments from the public gallery. One neighbour gave a list of issues regarding the application which they will send through to SCDC separately.
After lengthly discussion it was RESOLVED to submit NO RECOMMENDATION with the following comments:
- The Plans are deficient in elevation context for both the house and garage relative
- to neighbouring properties, and it is therefore difficult to judge the effect of the bulk of the development.
- We would recommend that the house be moved back from road due to concerns of loss of privacy and overlooking of properties opposite.
- The garage be relocated to the side of the house.
- As the garage is two-storey we would like to add the condition that once completed no application is submitted to change the usage to accommodation.
- The ridge height of the house should not exceed that of No 4 High Street.
- The hedge should be re-instated.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8: 21 pm.