Tail Corn
Tail Corn, the Eversdens’ Village Magazine, was established in 1976 by Ann Bennett who edited the publication for a number of years and indeed held this post until 2015. Fiona Ellis began typing on to wax stencils and remained very much involved right up to her death in February 2006. Until early 2016 Julie Maling managed the advertising and word-processing of the articles. A professional printer has taken the place of the old duplicator. Advertisers began to pay in 1997. They are the magazine’s main source of income. Village Clubs and Societies are offered free space for copy and for advertising events and fixtures. However, an annual donation towards the cost of producing the magazine is appreciated.
Today Cathie Mallows and Kay Probert are co-editors, responsible for the content and production.
Distribution of Tail Corn is by a local band of volunteers and is delivered free of charge to all village residents. The magazine is produced on a quarterly basis (end of August, November, February and May).
Tail Corn – January 2021 – click here to view
You are invited to submit articles – please contact Cathie or Kay – details below:
Cathie Mallows – crpm@btopenworld.com 01223 264461
Kay Probert – kprobert509@gmail.com 01223 260010