Unconfirmed PC Minutes – 3rd November 2014



Present: Mr Dalton, Mrs Glasse, Mrs Handley, Ms Hoar, Ms O’Callaghan, Mr Prince, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Spencer and, in the Chair, Mr Tebbit.

Apologies: Mr Dinsdale, Cllr Page.

 Minutes of Previous Meetings

Paragraph 6 of the 13th October planning minutes should read, “Mrs Pritchard…..” as opposed to Mr Pritchard. The second sentence in the same paragraph should then begin “Mr Pritchard said that although ….” The change was agreed.

Ms O’Callaghan asked that her main objection to developing OSP 148 be recorded as the

loss of the historic aspect and the piece of open ground as an amenity for everybody.

Open Forum for Public Participation

Miss Sach said that Eversden Remembers, on Saturday 1st November, was a fantastic event and she would like her gratitude recorded for this one off event.

Declarations of Interest

Mr Tebbit declared an interest in Item 5(b) under the Community Right to Bid as he is the tenant of the land to be registered.

Report from Councillor Kindersley

Cllr Kindersley reported that CEMAX has submitted plans for 220 houses at Barrington. This will go before the Planning Committee in February 2015. The proposal will increase Barrington by 50%. With no extra amenities or infrastructure, Cllr Kindersley urged the Council to write to Andrew Fillmore at SCDC voicing our concerns. Mrs Pritchard asked whether an Eden Project type venture had been looked into, Cllr Kindersley replied that there is no longer money available for this type of project.   Barrington are, of course, against the application, however the Parish Council is also assuming the worst case scenario and are negotiating for community benefits.

The County Council has received notification from Boundary Commission, which has also been copied to Parish Councils regarding an Electoral Review of Cambridgeshire. The Commission is minded to recommend that 63 county councillors should be elected, as opposed to the current 69. The consultation period runs until 19th January 2015.

Cllr Kindersley also reported that Cambridgeshire County Chief Executive has to decide on new governance for the county to save money, this could potentially include merging the City and District Councils to make a unitary authority or merging Police, Fire and NHS.

County are also lobbying the Government on the dualling of the A428 from the Black Cat roundabout down to Caxton Gibbett.

Mrs Pritchard asked for the latest update on the No. 75 bus. Cllr Kindersley said the first and last bus went into Drummer Street, otherwise the bus terminated at the P&R site. However, the DRT bus does not go to the P&R, only to Cambourne, and therefore parishioners were encouraged to ring and request the DRT takes them to the P&R in order to try to change this.

Regarding the new Street Lighting being installed across the County, lights will be dimmed by 20% between 10 pm and 12 midnight, and a further 20% between 12 midnight and 4 am in a money saving exercise.

Matters Arising

Emergency Planning

Mrs Handley informed the meeting that she is awaiting the last of the telephone numbers and a list of emergency equipment from Mr Tebbit.

Community Right to Bid

The Clerk and Chair have now prepared the paperwork to submit to SCDC to register The Hoops, OSP 148 and Watlands.

Hedge at FP 22

Mr Tebbit reported that he had written to all the properties adjoining the footpath asking them to cut the hedge. We will await the outcome.


PKF Littlejohn                                      £120.00                       LGA 1972 s111(i)

Tailcorn Grant                                      £250.00                       LGA 1972 s.142

Bourn Parish Council                          £107.53                        LGA 1972 s101

Cambridgeshire County Council      £257.34                        PCA 1957 s.3

Clerks Salary                                         £382.24                       LGA 1972 s112(2)

Mr Dalton proposed the cheques be accepted, this was seconded by Mrs Spencer.

The Clerk reported that £43 cash, raised from the sale of 30 mph Wheelie Bin Stickers had been banked.

Dates for 2015

The 2015 dates produced by Mrs Handley were accepted. Mrs Pritchard asked that they be published in Tailcorn, this was agreed.

Coalition of Parish Councils – Update

The coalition had circulated statements for the EIP hearings on the Local Plan in November. These were submitted by Bourn Parish Council on behalf of the Coalition of Parish Councils.

The statements were submitted on:

Matter 1: Legal process and requirements

Matter 2: Overall spatial vision and general issues

Matter 5: Infrastructure/Monitoring/Viability.

Mr Tebbit drew the Council’s attention to Matter 5. This centres heavily on the A1303 Madingley Road, the main link route for traffic from both the A428 and M11, indicating large numbers now travel through the villages to avoid this route.

The reports involved a huge amount of work and extremely worthwhile.

Section 106 Payment

The Section 106 cheque for £5232.68 has been received. So as to keep the money separately the Clerk proposed it be paid into the existing NS&I investment account paying 0.75% gross. In order to do this, members of the Council needed to complete new signatory forms and agree the following resolution.

“That all correspondence regarding this account be sent to our Parish Clerk, Mrs Karen Easey, at 13 Silverdale Close, Coton, Cambridge, CB23 7GY and that Mr Paul Tebbit, Mrs Carol Handley and Mr Clive Dalton be signatories of the said Account Number 139722268.”

The resolution was proposed by Mrs Spencer and seconded by Mrs Glasse. The Council then voted unanimously in agreement.

It was agreed that the Clerk would check that we have instant access to the money and also if we are able to ring-fence the money within the account.

Parish Council Liaison Meeting

The minutes were circulated to Councillors. Mr Tebbit reported that he would be writing to Cllr Mick Martin at SCDC as we have not heard from the Flood Alleviation Department.

It was also agreed that the Parish Clerk would submit her email address to SCDC as the Emergency Planning Contact and also inform them that Mr Tebbit would be prepared to store sand and sandbags in case of emergency.

Eversden Road, Harlton, Water Main Renewal

Plans circulated by Cambridge Water showed the work programme for the water main renewal. This may cause possible interruption of the water supply and travel disruption at Harlton Road/A603 junction during the beginning of November.

Great Eversden Noticeboard

Ms O’Callaghan updated the meeting on the status of the new noticeboard. A double-fronted English Oak cabinet has been ordered. It is approx. 50×36.5” and will display 12 A4 sheets. The cost is £1234.00 with an additional £167 for the cost of a carved Wild Board logo. A delivery date has not yet been given.

 OSP 148

The Clerk reported that Andrew Fillmore at SCDC had indicated the planning decision meeting would be either December or January, more likely January. Cllr Kindersley indicated he had heard nothing to the contrary and the scheduled date is 7th January 2015.


The Clerk circulated a document produced by SCDC on how they spent their budget.

Next Meetings

Monday 17th November & Monday 1 December 2014 at 8pm, Planning if required

Monday 15th December, Parish Council Meeting at 8 pm

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