Planning Meeting Agenda: Monday 6th August 2018

ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL are summoned to a PLANNING meeting to be held in the Pavilion on Monday 6th August 2018 at 8pm


 Apologies for Absence

Declarations of Interest

36 Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, CB23 1HR
Ms Kate Mackenzie

Proposed single storey rear extension; refurbishment of existing southern single storey extension with provision of a pitched roof; replacement of existing garage and link extension with a one and a half storey side extension including replacement garage and recovering of the roof with slate.  Alterations to the front garden to extend the drive and parking area and formation of a second vehicular access point.  Removal of the paint finish to the front elevation of the main house.

Amendment – Removal of a hip to the new roof on the existing single storey side extension and formation of a gable instead, and fenestration changes.

Wimpole Cottage, 36, Wimpole Road, Great Eversden, Cambridge,CB23 1HR
Ms Kate Mackenzie

Installation of two dormer windows to front elevation of main house.


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